Someone has given me a Seth Thomas 8-day clock and I'm wondering it's value. It's a mantel clock, he said it's in between 1920-1930. Inside the back panel it gives instructions to operate and has the following: Quarter Hour Strike Movement No. 89-L
It's beautiful and I love the chime sounds!
Three answers:
2006-09-01 21:35:36 UTC
My grandmother had one just like you described.
The value was around $50 - $75. Not much, but everyone in the family wanted it when settling her estate.
The real value is what YOU place on it, and since you obviously love it, a monetary figure is meaningless.
Enjoy your clock for many years.
2006-09-04 08:11:01 UTC
There is a big difference in what something is worth and what something will sell for. I usually go to ebay to find out what people are actually paying for the item.