Prices: The board/boxed game price is too high unless these are 'new quality' ... if they show any wear, $2 would be a better price. Shoes ... again, only if they are virtually new can you charge $3 ... $1.50 is better. Stuffed animals ... make them 10-50 cents apiece according to size and wear. Any bags you use must be exactly the same size for fairness.
Best sellers can vary. At one sale, I sold some 'memorial cans' at 50 cents apiece ... but the lady wanted all of them and offered me $25 for fifteen cans!
Be very careful about putting up signs. I lived in cities where it was 'illegal' to post any signs on 'telephone or utility poles' ... but that is where we put them (being extra careful to remove them right after the sale ended)
Use heavy cardstock posters (you can buy colored packs of 24"x36" for very little) and PRINT carefully:
(location or address)
Times (9-5 Saturday, 10-4 Sunday)
Any specialty items for sale
Be sure that you have a good way to make change (get at least $50 in coins-$5 bills) that you can carry with you (an old cigar box that you can tuck into a 'sling bag' when you are walking around). Have receipts available, but give them only when requested.
Think broader ... clothes don't sell well at most garage sales, but things like 'decorative items' and 'collectible items' do, also toys, games, athletic equipment, etc.
Make cookies (at least 12 dozen) and sell them for 5-10 cents apiece. Offer cold water (from a pitcher into paper cups) for free, or fresh lemonade or other cold drink for a quarter a glass. Have someone else tend to the 'food' and have that outside the 'garage sale area.'
Lock up any pets you have (people may actually want to buy or steal them, and some may 'claim' having been bitten and threaten to sue you).
Dress well (not too dressy), and SMILE. Be sure there is an adult on the property at all times (may stay indoors but only with the door open to listen for trouble).
If you can, use places like Craig's List (online) and small newspapers to advertise beforehand ... if it's free, you can say a lot more about your 'goods' and even have pictures on-line.
I've made anywhere from $100-1000 at my garage sales ... the one that brought me the larger amount I sold furniture, kitchen gadgets, a collection of mugs (with extra-large hanger), etc. You can even sell the tables you are displaying things on ... just tell the buyer they can't be taken until you 'close' on Sunday, but you'll mark them 'sold' if they pay for them right away.
Good luck!