I am sick of buying toilet seats that break, it happens i buy another one and it breaks again???
2008-01-22 11:27:08 UTC
what shall i do??? b4 some wise person asks have we got big bums no we have not. We are all quite fit and athletic . Its just i am sick of keep buying toilet seats that break its not as though we can take them back, ne 1 else have the same problem? or any solutions???
57 answers:
Carpe Canum
2008-01-22 11:29:21 UTC
I live in an apartment building, where under contract, we are not allowed to fix ANYTHING, because we might make the problem worse.

Our toilet seats keep breaking too, are you talking about the back part that fits the lids on? It keeps snapping off and cracking. We've been trough 5 so far. We aren't fat either lol.

It gets annoying. You basically have to sit on it JUST RIGHT or it will go sliding off. I feel your pain.

We are still going through our problems, except ive duct taped the thing down, so far so good.

lmao I just read through the answers, and i'm laughing so hard.

my favorite solutions:

Stop pooping


Scott M
2008-01-22 11:38:39 UTC
It sounds to me like you have a problem with your toilet and not your toilet seat. If you keep putting new seats onto the toilet and each seat cracks, splits or just falls apart then I think you have a problem with you toilet:

This could be a problem with the lid fasten holes in the back of the base of the toilet. They could be too far apart or too close together causing tension on the seat that cracks or breaks at the stress points. It could also be an uneven rim around the toilet bowl (the narrow section your seats balances on). If this is the case the seat doesn't make contact with the rim all the way around causing weak spots where there is no support - then it breaks at those spots.

There are a few remedies short of getting a whole new toilet: Don't over tighten the seat bolts to the toilet. Try a seat that is made of solid PVC or Dense plastic vs. the cheaper acrylic ones. They may be unsightly to some but a padded seat can also give more under normal stresses. If all this doesn't work you may need to have a new toilet installed - if it is a newer bowl it may be under warranty. If not you could be out anywhere from 150 dollars up to 500 depending on what you want.

I hope this helps!
2014-10-19 08:33:13 UTC
Yes the blooming things do break and sometimes at the most awkward moments. I have just replaced a pine one the hinges had corroded and then broke, recycled that one as firewood. The replacement was a gloss black one from Argos for £10 it lasted 3 days before 2 teeny weeny screws fell out of the bracket to the seat they were duly refitted only to fall out again a few days later followed the .next day by the other side. The seat is presently floating and can only be used with extreme care. It looks fab but is not strong enough; definitely a case of style over substance. It is made of MDF and the 4 screws that attach the hinge to the seat are tiny, they cannot hope to hold tight under any use. I have the receipt & will be taking it back as not fit for purpose. There are 4 kids and 2 adults (+ others) using this toilet so I guess I'm going to have to spend a good bit more on a heavy duty/commercial toilet seat and to hang with the aesthetics. Does anyone know of any good quality makes?
2015-08-13 07:41:50 UTC
This Site Might Help You.


I am sick of buying toilet seats that break, it happens i buy another one and it breaks again???

what shall i do??? b4 some wise person asks have we got big bums no we have not. We are all quite fit and athletic . Its just i am sick of keep buying toilet seats that break its not as though we can take them back, ne 1 else have the same problem? or any solutions???
2008-01-22 12:39:45 UTC
I thought it was only me!!

My last wooden seat lasted ten years, and finally split last December (2006). It just gave out on the joint between pieces glued together. I bought a acrylic resin one, a funky one at the kids request, and in under 6 mths the screw fixings had snapped and broken off. I've tried all sorts to fix it, and even asked about my money back, but because I'd paid cash, and hadn't kept receipt (who knew I'd need it?), I'm stuck with it.

My kids and I have developed the 'gingerly down' method, in case it slides away from under us. I would buy another one, but I'm on a tight budget and don't want to waste more money on a similar problem.

I can't believe that manufacturers haven't sorted these fixings out. They are impossible to get inline when your head is stuck behind the U-bend aren't they?

Have you tried the plastic fixings ones? Do they last any longer?

Good luck mate, and be comforted that you are not alone, we all have been there.

PS; Is it only me who has the Paul Simon song 'Slip sliding away' come to mind when in this delicate situation?

I've just read Yogi and I TOTALLY AGREE. Expensive ones are just as bad!!!
2008-01-22 11:39:51 UTC
had the same problem

i blamed people that figgited on the toilet

my solution brought a soft close seat

also found the plastic brackets ones no good so brought one with metal fittings

guess what IT WORKED no more toilet seat buying for me

( if all else fails buy some shares in toilet seats you make a fortune )
2016-06-02 12:02:03 UTC
If your kid resists using the potty chair or toilet or isn't obtaining the hang of it? If you are sick of dirty diapers? If you exhausted from little accidents? Then understand how to best train your kid with this system

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Order Start Potty Training so that you can get pleasure from the benefits of possessing a entirely potty qualified and independent little one within just a number of days.
2008-01-22 11:32:22 UTC
I have had the same problem in the past. I finally 'broke down' and paid good money for a solid wood model with multiple rubber 'bumpers' (not just a pair of them).

A Bemis brand seat has lasted us for several years, now. It cost about $25 at Home Depot.

2008-01-22 11:31:42 UTC
Seriously? I have NEVER had a toilet seat break on me. Maybe you are sitting down on it too hard with your "fit and athletic" bums. Buy a high quality, durable toilet seat. They aren't hard to come by and even the fattest people won't break them. Pick one up at your local DIY store and be sure to ask a sales associate for the most durable model.

Happy crapping!
2008-01-22 11:33:36 UTC
yes I'm Fed up of buying toilet seats i got through five 1 after the other all though this 1seams to be lasting (for now)
morning flower
2008-01-22 11:32:46 UTC
A good strong seat with Metal hardware costs about 25 bucks at Ace
2016-04-22 20:33:09 UTC
Does your little one look interested in the potty-chair or toilet, or in wearing underwear?

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2016-04-12 20:36:24 UTC
Does your little one complain about moist or dirty diapers? Can your youngster pull down his or her pants and pull them up once more? Then start off the potty training and for a quick accomplishment you require to use this strategy so that you can potty train your kid in only 3 days.

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2008-01-22 11:34:08 UTC
We have the same situation. At first I thought it was the way the seat was being returned to the base - dropping, instead of being set down. Well, not the case since we have that straightened out. It may be planned obsolesence or it could be a bum (!) lot of seats.
2008-01-22 11:31:27 UTC
Buy quality name brand seats. Cheap ones are made of press wood. Good ones are made of very sturdy plastic. I never had one break and I have been around for nearly 68 years but I worked for Wal-Mart for six years and we had them break when four and five hundred pounders used them. They even broke the ceramic stools.
2017-02-10 04:39:43 UTC
2008-01-22 11:34:44 UTC
....ummmm, there's more to this story then you are telling us. (I'm a 6 ft. 250+ Lb. male and I've never broken a toilet seat)... What are you doing... taking a running-jump at it ? or where are you buying "them"...? Toys R Us...? (it's a toilet seat, not a trampoline)
2008-01-22 13:43:11 UTC
buy anti vandal toilet seats there made of a kind of stiff rubber and there a bit flexible so there less likley to break
Liberty Belle
2008-01-22 11:31:10 UTC
you should buy a high quality seat - thick plastic or acrylic. I've also seen wooden seats, but that kinda grosses me out like the padded ones. I am just curious as to how they are breaking - i've never broken one in my life.
2008-01-22 11:30:57 UTC
Fit and athletic you may be, but it sounds as if you have to lose weight or buy a better quality (more expensive) toilet seat.
2015-05-04 07:07:57 UTC
Potty training can even be INCREDIBLY EASY once you have a proven and guaranteed plan to follow!

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You'll get a kick out of her personal potty training story.
baby blue
2008-01-22 11:34:16 UTC
yes we have had 5 up to now and we have only bin hear 6 months try buying a good 1 for 40 quid it might last a bit longer if that doesnt work HOVER ... lol.... only kiddin but good luk
Kenton C
2008-01-22 11:30:29 UTC
if you are going for the cheap ones than go for the more expensive ones. when you go to sit down, gently sit down i guess. if that doesn't work, then i guess you just have to keep buying toilet seats. i have never had this problem
2008-01-22 11:31:52 UTC
Tell the manufacturer, that if they don't replace your broken toilet seat immediately, then they can just kiss your @$$ goodbye.
2008-01-22 12:25:08 UTC
Hey! glad we r not the only ones it happens too, and it isnt down to cheap t/seats either.

ours usually snap at the brackets, and I have found its because they have either been tightened down too hard or not enough.

you have got to get it just tight enough to hold it on place and not slip round as you park ya bum on it, especially tricky if your bog is next to a wall as you tend to sit at a very slight angle away from the wall, causing uneven pressure on the brackets then its...





put up with it for weeks.....

try another......

post on here....
2008-01-22 11:29:52 UTC
Maybe somebody is just dropping the seat from the "up" position instead of lowering slowly. That could cause it to crack.
2008-01-22 11:29:38 UTC
try buying a seat without tall supports(thingys that hold up the seat)
2008-01-22 11:30:27 UTC
Buy a better quality one next time.. Pay £25 not a tenner.
2008-01-22 11:35:29 UTC
Buy a jet washer, stand in the bath and give each other high pressure enemas each morning.
2008-01-22 11:32:14 UTC
never had that problem but try buying a wooden one or maybe cast iron but have it coated in plastic as a bare cast one might be abit chilly on you b*m
2008-01-22 11:30:38 UTC
Are you sitting funny on them? How much are you paying for them? Try to find one that is a bit more expensive. I was going to be that wise person until you told me not to be.
2008-01-22 11:30:49 UTC
I`m afraid that you`ll need to spend at least £40 to get one that will last.
2008-01-22 11:30:00 UTC
You could get one of those that close slowly when you flip it down so it doesn't slam down, maybe the opening and closing is causing it to break.
2015-02-11 17:56:18 UTC
Remember it takes our kids more time to actually process the whole bathroom experience. Think about all of the steps involved in going to the bathroom. Kids must be fully aware of what their bodies are telling them (bladder full, send message to brain, getting body to toilet, releasing, flush toilet). There are lot of steps to remember here!! You need quite an understanding of body awareness to successfully use the bathroom. Continue using the picture cards, schedule, and somewhat regular routine when it comes to the bathroom...
tori <3
2008-01-22 11:29:53 UTC
buy a good quality 1
2008-01-22 11:35:06 UTC
yeah this is a common problem the work slack then break next time you get one put lock nuts on it this helped me
Bev for Prezz
2008-01-22 11:29:38 UTC
Never had the problem. You sure must fire off some rockets. Buy a better quality seat - maybe one especially for overweight people.
2008-01-22 11:30:56 UTC
you can take them back....its your shoppers rights if they are faulty.

Are they positioned right on your toilets and not screwed on at the back tooo tightly?

Mine has broken recently and this is never know yours could be the same.
2014-11-25 23:35:18 UTC
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2008-01-22 11:30:43 UTC
erm...never come across this! maybe you're too forceful when you're straining?! Do you buy wooden - stronger than plastic?
2008-01-23 16:49:26 UTC
Just crap out of the window, toilets are overrated anyway.
2015-02-11 18:50:53 UTC
As long as they are out of diapers by the time they are in preschool, then don't worry about it or stress over it too much. Children will learn when its time for them to learn! It will be faster if you have suitable methods.
2008-01-22 11:29:20 UTC
You're doing something crazy.

It's not like it's a top 100 question otherwise.
2008-01-22 11:29:33 UTC
Buy one of those soft, spongy ones.
Lee Lee
2008-01-22 11:29:56 UTC
hahaha this question just made my day!! I have absolutely no solution for you other than, weld that bad boy, or you guys could hover :)
2008-01-22 11:29:28 UTC
Is there a weight limit?
2008-01-22 11:29:44 UTC
no, i have a wooden one, its solid and shows no signs of breaking.

dont buy a cheap plastic one.
2008-01-22 11:29:21 UTC
That happened to me a while ago, so I just stopped pooping.
2008-01-22 11:29:19 UTC
what the heck are you doing with them then lol
Kitty Dangleberry
2008-01-22 11:29:31 UTC
Just dig a hole in your front yard and use that.
Cary C
2008-01-22 11:29:40 UTC
what the heck are you doing with them then lol
2008-01-22 11:36:59 UTC
2008-01-22 11:30:58 UTC
try a different brand i have never had that problem.
2008-01-22 11:30:11 UTC
don't get a cheap one then?
2008-01-22 11:29:09 UTC
stand up
2008-01-22 11:28:58 UTC
buy a decent one.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.