Ny: If you're being serious? You have the Grand Muvva of all problems there!
I'm a professional Pest Controller (If you're in US, ye'd call me am " Exterminator ")
I hope ye in UK. If so, get straight onto ye local council. They'll arrange for one of their people to come round and start a treatment. This will most likely be free of charge. Just as well, because it can involve a Lot of work.
Unfortunately, I can in no way guarantee they can save ye mattress. Either way, expect the guy to go through your place like a Forensics team. Light switches, wall sockets, the lot. All have to be removed, checked and possibly treated.
'Best' thing I can tell ye is that there need be no stigma or embarrassment about having Bed Bugs these days. There's been a major upsurge in their incidence. Even top London hotels have had them. People travel abroad and unwittingly fetch them back in their luggage. Things like that. They're a growing menace in UK (and elsewhere) and Must be treated by a Professional with the proper training and equipment,
Speak to ye council. Environmental Health Department.