2018-08-02 22:27:06 UTC
could be kicked out of galway soon. kicked out of the house for not having a clean enough, tidy or spotless room within 1-2 weeks time.
I went through it
main problems is many items, many bags and lack of space in room, including storage space. I could do with most of that stuff. I have got rid of many bags yes and more rubbish. having a job of some kind would make things alot better for me. Whenever the house is quiet enough, I would sort out my rubbish and bags and have cleared out all recycling from the kitchen bin for everyone in the house, so they don't have to worry about that.
It is very difficult to clear my room with lack of storage space and possessing many belongings such as books, clothes and natural products. Is it possible to evict someone from the house for not cleaning out or clearing out the room within 1 weeks time???
Two tenants say there is a smell coming from the room whenever they walk by but I never noticed a smell. Although a grape contained expanded and leaked a bit. I got rid of certain things which were affected and washed the rest. I said I closed the door. There is no key for my bedroom.
w.b, please.