2011-10-21 06:01:01 UTC
My house is brick made, the chimney is on the outside wall of the house and sticks out (i.e. it's not flush with the wall of the house, the whole chimney sticks out).
Now down to the problem, we light the fire in the proper way using shredded and crumpled newspaper and using kindling in a loose "wigwam" shape...with all the settings of the stove in the correct lighting position. WE ONLY USE SEASONED Hardwood like Oak and Ash and some softwood like beech (NEVER PINE), i have a moisture meter and unless the wood is less than 18% moisture then we don't burn it so don't say the problem maybe the wood were using (we leave our wood to dry in a wood shack once we have chopped it).
So down to the actual problem now I've described everything else. We light the stove only in the winter and usually around 3pm so the main lounge area is nice and warm come 7pm that night...we keep the fire in until 1am the following morning (overnight burning would be a waste for us as no one use the lounge until night time so we relight the fire come the afternoon), we have no problems lighting the fire and have a good draw from the flue!
So here are the problems 1) A general layer of dust and smoke seems to coat the glass within an hour or so of lighting the stove EVERYDAY THIS HAPPENS 2) When we wake in the morning all the wood has gone and burnt well (which is good).... BUT the screen is usually covered in a light brown colour and smoke the screen needs to be cleaned each and every question is why as we use everything the way it is suppose to and the wood we use is dry.
I would appreciate your comments and any of your stories, have you had this problem?? Are you a Stove fitter or seller?? Please whatever you say don't say are you using dry wood or are you using the stove properly as we ONLY use dry hardwood and softwood and follow the manufactures guide to the letter.... please help