does freezing rain hurt a house frame that is exposed?
2005-12-08 13:12:28 UTC
My House is being built and it is just a frame right now, with the 2nd story having particle wood as the floor, it rained here in Dallas the last few days and froze, will this warp the flooring? Is it bad on the house, is there anything to look for? Thanks.
One answer:
Sparky Dog
2005-12-15 20:32:30 UTC
In general no. I would be more worried about the wet rather than the cold. However, I would suggest that if you are having a home built, you would be wise to contact a private inspecter to inspect every step of the construction process. There are so many things a home builder can do (or does) that shouldn't be done. A good inspecter, while costing some money now, could save you a fortune in the future, not to mention the peace of mind knowing that there is nothing major wrong with your home.

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