How can you make your home warm and inviting?
2006-07-25 07:34:50 UTC
Answers staff note: This is the real Jeremy Ratnam, host of Power Cruisin' on Power 98 FM! To take part in the Y!ureka contest for a chance to win Dopod phones, register at
228 answers:
Jordan D
2006-07-26 01:55:09 UTC
Gd Afternoon,

Well i have always found it inviting to areas where it is spacious, bright with warm coloured furniture, examples are... having the living room painted a light colour say pearl white, having warm coloured sofa red or somewhat of a dark colour which is not too dull, having a plain darker curtain like metallic dark grey, which is spread out to the sides to recieve the skys lights be it night or day,and of course a pool table if possible, having the entertainment area spread out with the speakers at each end and the extra two smaller speakers at the back of where those whatching tv would sit, maybe small stone fountain set near the main door would give the inpression of a natural spring, however the warm feeling would naturally be there as long as the owner of the house have a good sense of humour puts and his heart into his warm designs.
2006-07-26 03:46:52 UTC
I think the most important thing about a warm and inviting home is based on the general vibe and the people within the house. Although furniture and other fittings play an important part, I feel that without the true genuine love, sincerity, hospitality and the condusive environment, a home can never be warm and inviting. It will be a nice-to-look-at, but cold on the inside kind of home.

A warm and inviting home can never be coordinated without these elements. My idea of a warm and inviting home would be decked with warm colors like orange, and cosy armchairs that you would spend a lazy afternoon in. Nothing too gadgety and hi-techie, of course it will have the usual appliances but nothing to fancy. The whole area will be lighted with warm white lamps. Oil paintings from Bali, Dark wood furniture, it doesnt have to be expensive or exhorbitant with soft music and nice smelling essential oils basking throughout. For the bedrooms, it will be floor beds, the kind that need no legs, and tea lights lining the corridor leading to the other rooms. If you visualise with me, you may just almost feel you are with me in this home.

We may stay in apartment houses which often cast a cold concrete appearance, but with the right elements which must definitely include the human touch, you can bring out the softness, the warmth, and the hospitality that is to come once you step into the home. Never mind the programs on the TV, never mind the noise by the road, once you step into this humble abode, its about interacting with each other, catching up, talking, laughing, smiling and having a ball of a time. With that happening, your neighbours would want to come in as well, and enjoy, not just a warm and inviting environment, but also a sort of long lost friendship.

The word 'home' is giving me the warm and fuzzy feeling already.
2006-07-25 20:30:20 UTC
Throw a party for family and close friends. Some kids too. You will be surprised how warm the house will feel after that.

Could also change the drapes and place little angel figures around the house. Also creative little plaques that say sweet things that reflect warmth like "Home is where the heart is''. Place a minute sign in the toilet that reads - "Job not done till paperwork is complete."

Play soft and pleasant music and have premise scented with aroma once in a while or before guests arrive. Touch of potted plants in their right places. . Attempt to do things as a family. Simple things; share a meal, watch a Hallmark movie, take out the old family albums. Think loveful thoughts.

Remove as many old things (not people) as possible that serve no purpose or are eyesores. Invite newness into your life. Bring in new things that everybody can accept like maybe a new home theatre system.

But the most important ingredient of all is to have everyone at home do everything they do, with love. You will be surprised how the sun and more will shine into your home.
2006-07-27 03:02:52 UTC
Warm and Inviting? The picture that I visualized was one of a cozy cottage, with a beautiful family cuddled around a warm fire burning in a brick fireplace. Unfortunately, this would not be a practical solution in Sunny Singapore. Just two words from that scenario ought to do the job! Cozy and Beautiful family. That would be the way I define warm and inviting.

A warm home, not literally (or the firemen would be hearing from me), would be one where you feel the love. That in turn would make it inviting too. In my opinion, the following would make any home feel warm and inviting.

Nothing better than a well kept home to tell you that people there care. A well organized home, clean and tidy always makes a good and lasting impression on its guests.

Not to mention the lighting. The right touch or form of lighting from (dim to brightness) would give of the perfect glow for the occasion. It can turn a mediocre looking room to va va voom! It would not hurt if the lighting helps accentuate the way we look.

The choice of the right shade of colour will add a sense of intimacy and coziness. Colours such as yellow, orange and red will add warmth to the room. It will make any room look cheerful and full of life.

Always accessorize. A warm, soft, yet rich rug will add instant warmth and texture to any room in the house. Throw blankets and pillows should be added to your sofa. Pillows in warm, rich colors on the living room floor would serve as extra seats for guests. Heavier fabrics like velvet also lend themselves to a warm and cozy feel. Potpourri and beautiful candles never fail to set a peaceful ambience in a home.

The most important part, make use of nature. Leave shutters open and windows clean to let the natural light stream in to illuminate the room. And adding a couple of potted plants would give it a natural feel.

The icing on the cake, would be a beautiful family, the epitome of hospitality. This would be the perfect garnish to an otherwise perfect recipe of a warm and inviting home.
2016-01-30 16:53:29 UTC
I think the most important thing about a warm and inviting home is based on the general vibe and the people within the house. Although furniture and other fittings play an important part, I feel that without the true genuine love, sincerity, hospitality and the condusive environment, a home can never be warm and inviting. It will be a nice-to-look-at, but cold on the inside kind of home.
2006-07-27 05:21:57 UTC
You have to feel warm and inviting when you are doing up your home. Your creativity depends on the mood. So do your home when you are feeling warm and inviting!!

Maybe remove the window frame but instead just put liners across the windows. It will look open and you will feel not so enclosed. Plant some easy-to-maintain plants around the window. Also, remove doors inside the house. Give it a very open concept. Have a puppy/kitten inside the house will help too.

Do not neglect the area outside your house too. Decorate the main door with little pictures or words and have a pretty and clean looking door mat.

Hope I answered your question. :)
2006-07-26 01:11:47 UTC
A home can be warm and inviting depending on the theme chosen for the house. This theme have to follow throughout the house and not only in certain areas. For example, if I choose to have a Bali resort-themed home, definitely I will start picturing myself with wooden tilings and teak furnishings. Also, the colour scheme of the house is important. It is more advisable to use bright and warm colours to paint the house. Colours like red, black or any dark colours should be avoided as this will make the house look gloomy and uninviting. If possible, try to get a perpetual waterfall device as this will help to calm your senses and adds to beautifying your home. Fish tanks are also another way of adding an 'underwater' feel to your home. Hang up paintings or abstract art about yourself or anything that you feel are related to your everyday life.

However, I must advise that you do not overdo your house as this will give across the impression that you are merely showing off. Being a fabulous, friendly and caring host will also earn you bonus points. Last but not least, always make the guest feel at home and try cooking some special dishes for you and your guest to enjoy!
2006-07-25 07:52:27 UTC
First, nice shrubs and flowers planted outside will give arriving visitors a nice feeling that someone who lives there cares about the view they are showing the world. Next, (and not to sound redundant) but a boquet (even if it is silk flowers) that will make the entry way colorful and bright. If you can put in a air freshner to give the incoming guests a nice subtle scent, it will start their visit out right. Warm colors, light that diffuses through the rooms through nice curtains and drapes, and good art or pictures will make things inviting. You do not want to clutter your house, but make the scene interesting and show a little of yourself off such as your hobbies (though hanging a moose head over the fireplace might be a bit Make the house reflect you and your guests and friends will go away feeling that they know you better. While they are visiting, be warm and friendly too. The person living in the house can make even the most drab and dull home glow. Good luck and maybe you will do such a good job that Martha Stewart will have to feature your house on your show.
2006-07-26 22:36:02 UTC
By being happy and cheerful and a hospitable host. Friendly, sincere and warm people automatically makes a home warm and inviting because when people are happy and relaxed, they give out good vibes. These good vibes will in turn be passed on to your guests who will feel welcomed.

And to enhance the good moods, a pleasant smell of baked chocolate chips cookies together with some light English afeternoon tea and voila! a warm and inviting home. =)
2016-02-29 19:31:29 UTC
We may stay in apartment houses which often cast a cold concrete appearance, but with the right elements which must definitely include the human touch, you can bring out the softness, the warmth, and the hospitality that is to come once you step into the home. Never mind the programs on the TV, never mind the noise by the road, once you step into this humble abode, its about interacting with each other, catching up, talking, laughing, smiling and having a ball of a time. With that happening, your neighbours would want to come in as well, and enjoy, not just a warm and inviting environment, but also a sort of long lost friendship.
2006-07-26 10:51:37 UTC
Congrats on your new place Jeremy. Although i may not be a follower of Power 98 but not to worry as I have started to be a loyal follower every morning to work since April 2006. Back to your question, I guess you need to make your place warm and inviting to yourself and your family first. I believe that if a home is a last place in your mind whenever you are out, then that is a "BAD" house. You need to fill invited to your own home before offering others to enjoy the warmness and invitation of your home.

So, be yourself and get the family (eh...only involve family that will be staying at your home PERMANENTLY, I believe you hear thi saying before; Too Many Cooks, Spoils the Soup rite?) for discussion and see what would be best and warm. Any please do avoid asking too many options, in the world we live in, there are all sort of ideas and concept and if we were to follow all of them, trust me, I will gurantee you that you will go off track and always remember, we are unique for what we are so make your home as unique as you can. But please, know the limit.

End of the day, you just need:

01) What you and your family feel and want for your home to create the warmness.

02) Reliable friends and family whose ideas and creativity are unique which you would approve on

03) Get an expert opinion (Interior Design & Renovation Service ompanies), well I believe that they are willing to share their opinion and ideas with you especially if you use them for your renovation.

04) Last but not least, home renovation magazines which you can find from any book shop.

Well, may you have the best deal and best luck with making your home warm and inviting. IT WOULD be great if I am invited too. Cheers... Brian
2015-11-08 13:49:12 UTC
Nothing better than a well kept home to tell you that people there care. A well organized home, clean and tidy always makes a good and lasting impression on its guests.

Not to mention the lighting. The right touch or form of lighting from (dim to brightness) would give of the perfect glow for the occasion. It can turn a mediocre looking room to va va voom! It would not hurt if the lighting helps accentuate the way we look.

The choice of the right shade of colour will add a sense of intimacy and coziness. Colours such as yellow, orange and red will add warmth to the room. It will make any room look cheerful and full of life.

Always accessorize. A warm, soft, yet rich rug will add instant warmth and texture to any room in the house. Throw blankets and pillows should be added to your sofa. Pillows in warm, rich colors on the living room floor would serve as extra seats for guests. Heavier fabrics like velvet also lend themselves to a warm and cozy feel. Potpourri and beautiful candles never fail to set a peaceful ambience in a home.

The most important part, make use of nature. Leave shutters open and windows clean to let the natural light stream in to illuminate the room. And adding a couple of potted plants would give it a natural feel.
2006-07-26 00:23:42 UTC
To make a home warm and inviting deals with 2 parts. The interior design of the home and the hospitality towards guests.

For the interior design to make a home warm and inviting we look at the elements of colour, proportion and balance.

Colour - People are greatly affected by the colour they see thus colours sets the mood of the environment. For a warm and inviting feeling, I suggest colour schemes of calming pastels, vibrant hues or rich naturals. Calming pastels are colour schemes used in spas creating peaceful and relaxing spaces. Vibrant hues on the other hand, creates a home that sings, adds impact and energy. Rich naturals are for the nature loving. A warm grey tone can highlight the natural element of the home and creates a comfortable feeling. Dark warm-toned colours on walls, furniture or furnishings make room look smaller but cosier.

Proportion - Eliminate things that don't fit into the room or modify them. Artifacts can add a special touch to the home. By presenting your favourite collection of toys or silverware or books offers a reflection of your personality and the emotional element of your home.

Balance - People are sensitive to light and lightings can create the right mood of environment. Fluorescent and halogen lights look harsh and are too bright for coziness and warmth. Instead, use soft incandescent lights. Direct the light to attract the attention to visually appealing focal point in the house such as family photos and portraits on the walls. Having photos of family and friends on display gives human elements.

The more important aspect of making a home warm and inviting is the way we treat our guests. Providing good hospitality that conforms to the occasion be it enjoying good music or a good movie, watching an important sports game live or even playing LAN games together. Basically anything fun a bunch of good friends or family members can do together can be really enjoyable. Serving food and drinks coupled with doses of smiles and laughter brightens up any body's day. The images of smiles and the sounds of laughter cannot bring the warmth and coziness to a home no matter how flashy the furniture. Like the good old saying "A house doesn't make a home".
2014-11-20 10:13:29 UTC
Well i have always found it inviting to areas where it is spacious, bright with warm coloured furniture, examples are... having the living room painted a light colour say pearl white, having warm coloured sofa red or somewhat of a dark colour which is not too dull, having a plain darker curtain like metallic dark grey, which is spread out to the sides to recieve the skys lights be it night or day,and of course a pool table if possible, having the entertainment area spread out with the speakers at each end and the extra two smaller speakers at the back of where those whatching tv would sit, maybe small stone fountain set near the main door would give the inpression of a natural spring, however the warm
2006-07-26 04:59:15 UTC
- Personalisation. Put photographs and self-made art and crafts.

- Colours. Use a cream wash pain for the walls and inject warmth by using colors for the cushions, artefacts, knick knacks etc. The cream provides a great canvas and easy-to-match background for the more vibrant colour hued decor.

- Comfort. Ensure enough seats for guests when having a gathering. Have a luxurious sofa, dining chairs and "mobile" seats like stools in colourful hues.

- Greenery. Have little potted plants and flowers to provide the feeling of freshness.

- Hosts. Be generous and thoughtful to your guests when having parties and gatherings. The best way to make your home feel inviting, warm and comfortable at the end of the day isn't so much the decor, but the way the hosts serve everyone.
2006-07-26 04:12:19 UTC
Firstly and most importantly is the host and people staying inside. They must wear for the occasions as needed.

The Main Door/Gate and if have common corridor:

1.Add some mini plants to add some colour and reduce dullness to the surrounding. Some example include orchids, money plants etc.

2.The colour of the Door and Main Gate must not be dull like brown, black, dark blue. Something bright like white, skin colour, beirge, etc.

3.Do not display your shoes rack outside the house or hand items on the main gate like umbrellas, plastic bag etc.

The Entrance (after the main gate/door):

1.The entrance should be free from obstructions, and have a proper shoe rack located away from the door.

2.You can add a small bench or stools for the guest to remove or put on their shoes. It should not be obstructing the way.

3.You can install a warm colour light near the entrance to brighten up the way.

The living room and dining room area:

1.The sofa will be comfy like cloth or fabric and not very striking colour. Some colour suggestion will be dark red, beige or grey.

2.Add a carpet below the coffee table and the size must not be too big.

3.Coffee table should be just the correct height to reach out and also enough space like hidden drawer to store some magazine or photo album or cup coaster.

4.You can have some warm light hidden inside the false ceiling to light up the area. Fluoresces light is strictly a no no.

5.The home theater system will be concealed into the false ceiling and wires hidden from view. Play some jazz or easy listening pieces when you are away or resting to smooth the mind.

6.Add a plasma/LCD television system to add some colour of entertainment to the wall and have a art piece as the border around the television area.

7.The wall can use warm colour to brighten up the spirit.

8.Have some side table or reading corner if you need the space to rest. You can also have a laptop beside it to enjoy the internet world right before you.

9. Do not overcorwd the living room with too many furniture, ensure enought moving space and openess is a concept to reduce strained.

That is how i feel to deco for a home to feel you wan to rest and return to after a hard day of work.

Enjoy a glass of chilled water and rest on the sofa enjoying your favourite movie or reading the book and induce into the light jazz music.

Enjoy! :)
2006-07-25 21:59:16 UTC
The colour concept for the house should be warm and inviting (brown, chrome yellow) and not cold (blue) or bright (e.g. red). Have lots of wooden furnitures in the house instead of plastic or metallic furnitures. Wood gives that warm and cosy feeling to a home. Add some curtains and art pieces on the wall. Art pieces should be something pleasant to the eyes. It can be an abstract painting. Don't clutter the living room with too many things. Keep the living room and the rooms as spacious as possible.
2006-07-25 18:05:40 UTC
Stick all the happy and nice photos you have got on the walls! Turn off all the lights and light some candles up to create a dim and romantic effect. Also, have a big and comfy red coloured couch which everyone wants to sit on! If there are going to be guests, play the top 20 chart from Power 98, have a platter of gourtmet tapas for everyone! This will just be the beginning of the best party in town!
Linda X
2006-07-26 18:59:38 UTC
Well, I find that the utmost important thing in creating your home warm and inviting depends a lot on the loveliness of the owners living in the home. The design of the home maybe simple yet adding in plenty of softness like cushions and curtains will add on to the coziness of ones home. One can also display photos of family and probably display some plants in the home to make it more appealing in nature. Another factor in making your home warm and inviting is being a good host to their guest which will in turn leave them a great impression on the home and the owners.

The most important factor is to be proud of your own home and be glad and happy about it. Given the most deprived situation, a warm and inviting home can be only just four walls, is the warmness of the host and his family that brought about the warm to its guest. =)
2006-07-27 05:12:42 UTC
I believe a warm and inviting home is not the things in the house or how the decoration is beautifully done. It's the people in the house. If the people in the house reach out to their neighbours, friends and community naturally every will find your house warm and inviting. They will even come to your house without being invited.

It's the people in the house that bought the warm to the surrounding just light a lighted candle.
2014-10-09 14:22:51 UTC
The choice of the right shade of colour will add a sense of intimacy and coziness. Colours such as yellow, orange and red will add warmth to the room. It will make any room look cheerful and full of life.

Always accessorize. A warm, soft, yet rich rug will add instant warmth and texture to any room in the house. Throw blankets and pillows should be added to your sofa. Pillows in warm, rich colors on the living room floor would serve as extra seats for guests. Heavier fabrics like velvet also lend themselves to a warm and cozy feel. Potpourri and beautiful candles never fail to set a peaceful ambience in a home.

The most important part, make use of nature. Leave shutters open and windows clean to let the natural light stream in to illuminate the room. And adding a couple of potted plants would give it a natural feel.

The icing on the cake, would be a beautiful family, the epitome of hospitality.
2006-07-25 11:16:10 UTC
Environment - Get the house clean, neat and tidy. Get rid of any odours especially those at the door where shoes are normally kept and the toilet which the guest will be using. If you are bringing a new girlfriend back to your place then I would spray the entrance with a scent which she will remember you by. For some reason they like the old aftershaves like Old Spice and Brut 33 or a musky expensive cologne. Leave a bottle out in the toilet with the scent lingering. Brew some coffee, cos the smell of it is always homely and inviting. Soft lighting, soothing music. You definitely need a cosy couch where she can sit with both legs up in comfort. Get some new arty farty pictures hung up too for talking points - and not those from IKEA. Have a sensual art piece. Have trendy magazines lying around for them to read. Have rugs so that you can sit on the floor looking up at her or rather she is looking down at you - makes them more relaxed as they are in more commanding position.

Playing Host - Have her help you in the kitchen making food or drinks. It helps her to be part of your home as she familiarise herself with where everything goes. As a host get her relaxed - serve drinks, snacks. Show her around yr home - bedroom, toilet, yard etc..
2014-10-27 03:54:38 UTC
or easy listening pieces when you are away or resting to smooth the mind.

6.Add a plasma/LCD television system to add some colour of entertainment to the wall and have a art piece as the border around the television area.

7.The wall can use warm colour to brighten up the spirit.

8.Have some side table or reading corner if you need the space to rest. You can also have a laptop beside it to enjoy the internet world right before you.

9. Do not overcorwd the living room with too many furniture, ensure enought moving space and openess is a concept to reduce strained.

That is how i feel to deco for a home to feel y
cccan eat anywhere
2006-07-26 02:52:00 UTC
Be Happy! Then start with a smile when you meet someone or a stranger in the lift. And the home can be simple, uncluttered decor with walls painted in tones of warmth colours and incandescent/indirect lighting, not forgetting some homemade cookies and tea served at the round marble table and last but not least is to have a listening ear and to extend out an invitation without any reservation.
2006-07-25 22:49:22 UTC
First, make sure you have at least 3 steamboat utensil ready,

you will realise how Warm it can be when all your frenz are at your place having fun and sharing the food with all the steamboat being used, especially when you place the food in your living/dining hall, Turn on the air-con and close all doors and windows if you need it.

Secondly, what else that looks inviting? International currency, have them be printed out like a big poster or just use actual real currency and frame it up as big as one of the walls, use a classic look frame or silver rim type. I believe no women or men in this world could resist the look of $, your frenz will definitely ask to visit your place time and again becos of the good food, steamboat at a full blasted air-conditional enviroment and looking and counting the flow of currency that are put up in your living hall.

hehe......remember to put up a house alarm that link direct to cisco jus for in-case of any unwanted invitations.
2006-07-26 05:55:09 UTC
Firstly, make everything outside look fresh, neat, warm, and inviting. Then inside, create an easy-going relaxed atmosphere that makes your home seem comfortable and livable.

When it comes to creating a warm, welcoming home, attention to detail is far more important than budget and space. For instance, have you ever walked into an exquisitely furnished home and yet felt unwelcome? Or entered a modest apartment and never wanted to leave?

Wall colour always has a lot to do with the warmth of a room. Bold colours with lots of warmth are getting even more popular - especially oranges, brick-reds and fuchsia. It may be daunting to do a whole room in these colours, so even doing just a focal wall in one of these colours would help do the trick.

Lighting is also very important in ensuring the coziness of a room. Of course, ambient lighting such as candlelight will add the most warmth but task lighting is also a way to ensure your room is comfortable and inviting. Table or floor lamps with a soft white bulb will help here. The shades you choose will also make a big impact - choose ivory shades vs. stark white or beige, taupe or even black shades to make the lighting in your room even softer.

Accessories finish a room and give it character. Choose accessories that will work with your wall colour and compliment it. Greenery (whether real or faux) is always a nice touch in a room but shouldn't be overdone. Throws and toss cushions are essential for adding texture and colour to a room. If your sofa is in a plain fabric, your toss cushions should have a pattern to them and vice versa. Again, these finishing touches are what make a room - but should never be overdone - when decorating with accessories think in odd numbers. But remember, less is more.

Area rugs offer a lot of texture and warmth to a room with hardwood flooring. Whether you choose an area rug for it's texture (ie. a Berber or a sisal) or it's pattern and colour (ie. a Persian), your area rug will instantly warm your room and make it feel cozier.

Window treatments are by far one of the easiest ways to warm up a stark room. Whether they be in the form of privacy shutters, blinds or shades or more for show, i.e. drapery panels, valances or curtains, there are many beautiful styles to choose from. Choosing fabrics with texture, pattern and colours that will work alongside your accessories and area rug will allow for a stylish, comfortable and eye-pleasing room.
Sherlock Holmes
2006-07-26 03:35:07 UTC
Elementary my dear friend! A good host and a good house is the answer to your problem.

Now here's the equation; a good host equals to a friendly and comforting host who puts their guests in a very comfortable position whenever and wherever.

Heard of a "Pa Kua", well the same 8 no. of rules applies to a good house.

Rule 1: Location, location, location (haha always wanted to say that) -A home in the city is worth two in the bush, hehe. Basically means, have a home convenient for transportation, not somewhere out in the jungle and guests will be flocking to your pigeon hole in no time.

Rule 2: Size (well size does matter in this case) -I have never heard of any guest complaining of going to a house too big, trust me on this one.

Rule 3: Interior my friend! (What use if you have a big house with no interior, hmm dejavu feeling, hehe an evil thought just sprang to mind) -Well, a nicely done interior of a small abode is way better than a big castle with zero interior quality.

Rule 4: Tidiness (Neat freaks behold, junk collectors beware, hahaha) -By god, keep your place clean and tidy, who wants to go to a dumpsite to hang out.

Rule 5: Have me over, haha just jokin, but really, great company/crowd does set the warm and inviting jovial mood just rite.

Rule 6: Food -A good hearty meal will definately have guests glued to their seat, contented (Glued to the toilet seat, constipated in the case of bad meal, hahaha)

Rule 7: Drinks -How can you have great food without great drinks. (Think brother, think)

Rule 8: Ambience -A nice warm ambient lighting will give the guests an "awwwwww" inspiring feeling (hehe, if you're planning on a nice warm and inviting feeling with a special someone of the opposite sex, get ready to score big with this one, hahaha)


2006-07-26 01:54:54 UTC
No matter how small and messy or how big and shinning clean a house can be, a home is only warm and inviting if the people staying in the house is ... sometimes "crazy" while at other times serious; laughs out loudly on a good joke or cry along when their friends are sad; talks / chatter a lot at times, but can also be silent and listen when someone need an ear.
2006-07-25 18:42:58 UTC
In my opinion, the people and how they care for one another and who leaves together and spend time togethere there makes it warm and inviting. They are the one who makes it a home and not just a house to leave in. But in order to enhance and promote that kind of mood, paint it with warm and relaxing colours such as green, red, orange tones.It is a well known fact every colour incites a certain mood, such as green tones are easy on the eye and is very relaxing, blues makes you fell calm, red is for vitality and so forth. Put potted plants and sofas and tables you can actually use. Put some frames of your loved ones and favorite things so they can be conversation pieces that will encourage conversation and break the ice if needed when you have visitors.
2006-07-25 19:31:11 UTC
My ideal of a warm and inviting place is the satisfaction of all senses that humans have. I will decorate my place with cosy furnitures with music playing the day. Not necessary to play with the colours on the walls, just some elements to make it look warm and also using furnitures to make it feel warm. And make it look like a cafe with beverages and food where friends and family can hang out together to spend some quality time together without even worrying to have to pay for anything or to find a place where there are seats available.
2014-10-01 12:01:06 UTC
they see thus colours sets the mood of the environment. For a warm and inviting feeling, I suggest colour schemes of calming pastels, vibrant hues or rich naturals. Calming pastels are colour schemes used in spas creating peaceful and relaxing spaces. Vibrant hues on the other hand, creates a home that sings, adds impact and energy. Rich naturals are for the nature loving. A warm grey tone can highlight the natural element of the home and creates a comfortable feeling. Dark warm-toned colours on walls, furniture or furnishings make room look smaller but cosier.
2006-07-26 00:51:50 UTC
Get rid of all white or white/daylight fluorescent lighting. Use incandescent lighting like light bulbs if you really need warmth but I suggest energy-saving warm/white tubes because they are

not so hot and the shadows are not too distinct. For kitchens & toilets use circular tubes rated around 5000k which project a very soothing and beautiful color enhancing light. Toshiba, Hitachi or Philips made them in 25w or 40w circular tubes. Use slightly translucent curtains to let in some street lights. This suggestion is

only a small but important step towards improving the warm and inviting ambience in you home but the result should be flattering.
Tan O
2006-07-25 23:34:07 UTC
If its my own home, it would already have been all warm and inviting even without furnishing and all because it is going to be the my very own first home and I am the person paying for it! Different people have their own verdict of what is warm, as for me warm would be nice brown colour walls in different tones. For the living room which will be the most frequent use area, a huge comfy sofa with rugs and pillows thrown all over and with paraquat flooring top with a nice big carpet. That would be swell! I need a huge plasma screen as well plus a nice wine fridge, so that I can invite my friend and family over frequently. With these nice furnishing plus family and friends and wait- unlimited amount of snacks and drinks... Mamamia... my home will be warm and inviting anytime... :)
2006-07-25 22:47:52 UTC
First of foremost, I personally feel that what matters most is the people who resides in the house. To have a warm home, the characters of the occupants play a part. With problematic characters, a home is never warm and inviting at all. Within the occupants themselves the need to accommodate each other interests and passion plays a vital role in making the home warm.
2006-07-25 16:17:03 UTC
Have you heard the saying "less is more"? Don't over stuff your house with furnitures and lots of unnecessay items. It must be free of obstruction once a person starts moving around. Spotless clean, organized and harmonious fixtures as well as dwellers. Quiet, cozy and must smell nice too. Lastly, people living there must be warm and inviting. A house is different from a home so you know exactly when your in a home or just a house.
2006-07-26 05:20:11 UTC
The first thing to do is to ask blessing from God that your home will be warm and inviting. Then clean your home. Remove all the garbage and unnecessary items. You must also do the cleaning outside not only inside. Put all things in their proper places. You may apply attractive paint or warm colours. And then decorate you home. See to it that you have proper ventilation-fresh air and cool lighting. Play classical or soft music. But the most important for a home to become warm and inviting is to have nice and hospitable people to live in it. Without these people your house will not only become a home, it will be a warm and inviting home.
2006-07-26 04:16:03 UTC
In making your home warm and inviting, the answer is not neccesarily in modern avant garde designs or top of the world designs or beautifully scuptured gardens. The real deal is just simply a word "Family". Nothing in this word can be more inviting and warm then having kids running around in the home. Or having our grandparents telling their grandchildren their life stories way back. Even after a tired days work, knowing that you have your wife and children waiting for you at the dinner table after work, nothing else in the world can make your home more warm and inviting than that. So is it time to start making plans to start a family? :)
2006-07-25 23:55:37 UTC
My personal opinion is that the outlook of any home doesn't contribute much to it being warm and inviting. Its really all about the host. Take the example of 2 identical mansions. One with an easy going guy who's goes all out to entertain and the other basically houses this guy who's a cross between Dracula and Norman Bates. Tell me who's place would you even think of stepping in?

Then again, this day in age, we have freaks who actually like the rush of getting scared silly. Well whatever floats your sea cruise mansion.
2006-07-25 21:31:08 UTC
For me, making my home warm and inviting is very simple.

1. The furniture has to be pleasing to the eye and chairs comfortable for guests.

2. Lighting must be warm, with a tinge of yellow to give the house a kind of warm and relaxing feel to it.

3. Scent is very important and let some aroma therapy do the job. For me, either garden scents or vanilla scent will do.

4. Last but not least, having good food is another important aspect. Who invites guests to their home without a feast laid out for them?


2006-07-25 19:34:36 UTC
For making a home warm and inviting, the key is to provide and atmosphere and environment that is soothing and relaxing, such that when one steps into your home, they will feel at ease, and easily submerse into the homely feeling. I will use soft pastel colours to brighten up my hallway, and then use really nice italian or french furniture to decorate the living room. Potted plants which are really nice and blends with the surroundings will be put at the most strategic postition, to invite the guest in. A tinge of light refreshing air purifier will create a tingling sensation down one's spine as they move around the room!
2006-07-25 18:45:12 UTC
Candles and scented tealights never fail to enhance the mood for relaxation and coziness. Place them anywhere - on the dining and coffee table, and in the bathrooms, the effect can make you feel luxurious and cosy.

I love a combination of deep red and pink roses, fresh or as a potpurri, which gives me a warm English feeling and romantic mood.

If you have wood-like flooring, arrange a few Mandarin silk cushions at a corner. Place a low level rosewood antique table with a fully-equiped traditional Chinese tea set. You can enjoy the fragrance of tea coupled with reading your favorite book, what a heaven!
2014-10-27 04:11:33 UTC
8.Have some side table or reading corner if you need the space to rest. You can also have a laptop beside it to enjoy the internet world right before you.

9. Do not overcorwd the living room with too many furniture, ensure enought moving space and openess is a concept to reduce strained.

That is how i feel to deco for a home to feel you wan to rest and return to after a hard day of work.

Enjoy a glass of chilled water and rest on the sofa enjoying your favourite movie or reading the book and induce into the light jazz music.
Birdie J
2006-07-25 20:41:48 UTC
When you step inside, there must be a feeling of "Yeah! I'm home!".

There are nice little touches ... the soft cushions for lazing around, the freshly-cut flowers that seem to radiate the place, a big Plasma or LCD TV to watch football games or enjoy good movies with friends, a dedicated karaoke system where everyone can belt out their signature tunes, a PS3 or an XBox for the young and restless, a huge kitchen for the 'gourmet chefs' to share recipes and to whip up exciting meals .... its a bit of everything plus love, joy and lots of laughter.
2006-07-25 20:40:24 UTC
My place usually is a wreck. WHEN I do clean up; the place looks neat and tidy. Cream walls, beige curtains and dark mahony coloured furnitures works for me. Light some scented candles. Warm lighting with dimmers. Less is more I feel. Huge carpet, just one 3seater sofa(I threw out the 2 armchairs) with 2 throw pillows to hug, tv console with tv la. Small coffee table. Small dining table tucked in a corner with 2 chairs. Results.. a relaxed living room, now all I need is a decent sound system and a decent bottle of red wine..... yeah.
2006-07-26 05:10:45 UTC
I believe the one thing that makes a house a warm and inviting home is the people living in it. We do not need to have the best furniture, the latest gadgets nor the biggest house. A home owner's friendly smile, gracious personality and a happy go-lucky attitude should make your home warm and inviting. Anything else is just an added incentive!
2006-07-26 03:35:18 UTC
Homes are warm and inviting due to many things, and what I think is most important is a personal touch to your home. Add some thing that you really treasure or something that you really want to see everyday. You don't have to decorate it like a palace, so long you and whoever living in it feels like coming home every day/night, it is definitely-let me repeat- DEFINITELY a very warm and inviting home.

Even people who come to your house will find it nice as they recognise YOUR personality in it. They love it because the house is a representative of you. What's the point of dressing the house up elaborately and you do not like it?To me, all that glitters is not gold.
2006-07-25 23:38:58 UTC
Strategic warm uplighting, throw pillows, thick fluffy carpets and wonderful smells from the kitchen can make a house warm and inviting. But it will only be a 'house' and not a 'home' without the essence of love that lingers in the house - family living in it and the good friends one invites over. That is the heart to a warm and inviting home.
2006-07-25 21:09:27 UTC
Decorate the home with your favourite theme/style. Paint the walls with your favourite colours. A home is a place for one to relax and feel very comfortable in. One should look forward to going to a cosy home to wind down and relax after a hard day's work.

As for inviting, greet your guest with a smile and also, sincerity. Guests should accept your invitation readily and not feel compelled to visit. Tons of food, drinks & great music from Power 98 should do the rest of the trick. Happy partying...
2006-07-25 20:14:52 UTC
Usually with warm lightings instead of florescent lighting. Add a dash of light scented aroma oil. If u need a total feel, burn scented incense in the toilet as well. As for the wall colors , lean towards earth tones. A light dimmer helps as well. Put on Day curtains to let the light from the outside balance the room.
2006-07-26 18:48:05 UTC
A home is an expression of yourself your life and your family. Be sincere and tell your world to your guests - from your interiors to your photographs to your doormat to your washroom. No family or person is perfect. No such thing as THE perfect way of making something. Its your sincerity in yourself your family and your guest that makes your home warm and inviting.
2006-07-26 02:29:44 UTC
the decoration of the house has to be simple, and make the sofa is comfartable and enough seats for the guess. Install air conditional if neccessarily. The house must be neat and clean all the time. Prefer to turn on the stereo, so that the environment sound alive.

When your house is as above conditions, the last and most important thing is store enough beer in your house, and that make your house inviting.. cheers!
2006-07-26 04:30:03 UTC
Fill it up with Loved ones and cosy corners for your interests/ hobby. An inviting home consists more on the people staying inside rather than the colours, furnitures etc. Even a one-room flat can be very warm and inviting if we face the people inside and home with LOVE. A cosy little corner helps enhance the warmth feeling.Create the environment/ ambience for Love..
2006-07-26 01:51:53 UTC
To make your home warm, one has got to have pastel coloured walls like lilac or green apple. Furnish the living room sparingly where guests can make themselves comfortable and not have to keep watching over their young kids. Do not choose dark tinted window panes and no gaudy designed curtains please! The furniture should be minimal and matches the flooring. To make a home inviting, there should be lots of goodies in store regardless of the time. Guests dislike coming to visit and not given any refreshments! No frets if u cannot cook.. just store some microwaveable food!
2006-07-26 08:17:01 UTC
From my experience in HDB homes facing corridor, keeping the house clean and windows open is the key.

We share a smile and occassional few seconds chat as the neighbours pass by our window. This helps to know our neighbours and makes the environment warm and inviting.

Try this, even if your neighbours are not friendly, the karanguni man will say hi.

2006-07-26 02:23:16 UTC
Keep the place clean with simple decoration, like some fresh flowers. Cook up some home made dish. Nothing can beat home made dish, for it always make you feel homely and inviting. Prepare some snacks and movies so that all generations get to enjoy. All that said, when you have been surrounded by your loved ones, your home just feel warm and inviting.
2006-07-26 02:05:30 UTC
On the Heater (if any), all the lights or anything that can give out heat. That's Warm. Lay the Red carpet from the entrance to the table, that's inviting. Then serve the Ice Cream!
2006-07-25 23:33:00 UTC
To make your home warm and inviting, aside from good food warm colours, furnitures, lights and other materials in effect, You should put God 1st in the center of your family and great Love for each other, then and only then life will be bearable to you and your family, cause theres no other thing that can make you more warmer than the kisses and hugs and the genuine concern of those people you love and care for.
Gill Singh
2006-07-25 22:42:53 UTC
I go for natural things in life including "natural warmth". The design of the house should incorporate as much conduits and/or openings for sunlight to shine in so that artificial lighting can be cut to a bare minimum. The colours and designs of the interior walls, furnishings and decorations should complement the external environment such that anyone coming from the exterior will view the interior of my home as a "natural extension" both spatially and temporally.
elios e
2006-07-25 22:16:44 UTC
In my opinion a 'home' that is warm and inviting depends on emotional and visual aspect.

For the emotional aspect, if you are living with other people, a harmony relationship should be maintained well. apart from that, if you are living alone, should consider certain things that might bring back some good memory such as favorite color as the wall colour, favorite view as the wall paper.

For the visual aspect, i think spacious is the most important. when our house is spacious, we will have a relaxed feeling when we got home.
Alvin X
2006-07-25 19:16:32 UTC
Step 1: Sent invitations to everyone you know for a party at your house.

Step 2: Become an arsonist and burn your house down, with the guests inside.

Step 3: Stand back and enjoy your inviting home that's very warm now.
Mr. Curious
2006-07-25 08:22:28 UTC
1. Have a lot of photographs of your family on the walls

2. Colorful, seasonal items hanging on the walls, sitting on tables, adorning chairs or couches

3. Avoid overly expensive or showy accouterments--they make your house look like a museum and not a home

4. In the winter have a fire burn in the fire place

5. Music softly playing in the background also adds a nice touch

6. A perpetual waterfall device is also a great way to add warmth and serenity to a home
2006-07-26 17:56:17 UTC
first make the house clutter free , in the mornings open all windows and let fresh air circulate in your home, put some fresh flowers in vase even a single flower makes a difference. Put some scented candles or scented tea lights or essential oil burner with some relaxing oil. make collage with your snaps with friends, family, greeting cards given by them and put on a wall it will give your home a personal touch and put smile on your and your visitors face for sure! If you have light coloured sofa set just throw some colourful pillows , it will give a comfy look to your home. One dim lighted table lamp can do the trick too.

that's all! enjoy !
2006-07-26 01:38:48 UTC
Warm and inviting only works at night. Forget candles, they're fire hazard! Change your living room lightbulbs to warm yellow, buy a soft carpet, get a low-type Japanese table, lots of throw cushions and flowy chiffon curtains. Other accessories like mirrors, small potted plants and a small table fountain will enhance the look.

Hey, if you want a warm and inviting home, you got to spend! And most importantly dust and mop!
2006-07-25 21:00:18 UTC
The beautiful blue you chose for your living room is not as becoming as expected. The freshly painted space seems a little chilly. Or maybe that perfect shade of pumpkin in the sunroom is just too intense. It leaves you feeling somewhat overheated.

Could be your colours could use a little warming up, or cooling down for that matter.

Choosing paint colour can be a daunting task. With a vision in our head, we head to the paint store to face the innumerable paint chips available. But one factor that is often overlooked when selecting the perfect hue is the direction of the exterior light entering the space.

The outside light filtering through a window in a room can dramatically alter the colour in that space for better or worse. Sylvia O'Brien, colour consultant and creative director of Colour Theory, a Toronto-based company that specializes in colour consultation says, "Exterior directional light is something that I definitely consider when working with my clients."

There are many different starting points for choosing the perfect hue. You may want a room to look bigger, or smaller and cozier. Maybe you've moved and are matching the walls in your new digs to your existing furnishings.

Perhaps the goal is to create a specific mood — a relaxing bedroom in which to doze off, or a stimulating dining room to enjoy meals and entertain guests. But before starting off on the quest for the perfect hue, stop for a moment and peer out the window to consider the outside light.

As the colour spectrum is comprised of warm and cool colours, exterior light is also both warm and cool.

Northerly light is cool and diffused and can make a paint colour appear darker or less vibrant. A cool colour in a north-facing room can make the space seem dreary and cold, whereas any variations of the warm hues — yellow, orange and red — will take the chill out.

A sunny or buttery yellow will warm up the space, as will colours like Coral Essence or Hathaway Peach from Benjamin Moore 2005 Home Trends. Or try Para Paints' Walnut Cream. These warm colours reflect light and help compensate for the shortage of natural daylight.

And, although it is advisable to avoid purely cool colours in north rooms, O'Brien says, "Even blues and grays can be used if they are warmed up. Adding yellow to blue will give you a warm teal. A purplish blue will also work because the red in the purple warms the blue. Even grey can work if it is a warm grey."

South-facing rooms are ideal as they receive warm, radiant sunlight throughout the day. You can use almost any colour here, but direct sunlight will make colours look their brightest. If you want to take the heat out of a south room, use cool colours.

East- and west-facing rooms present a different set of challenges as the light changes with the time of day. In an easterly exposed room, the morning light is warm and becomes cooler as the sun moves to the west.

In west-facing rooms, the opposite is true, with the cool light in the morning and warm in the evening.

As well, westerly light is the most yellow of all. O'Brien suggests staying away from deep gold or mustard tones in a west-facing room as this same deep yellow is already coming into the room from the sunlight outside.

For east- and west-facing rooms, decide when the space is used the most; morning or evening, then opt for warm or cool colours accordingly. If you use the room throughout the day, a mix of warm and cool colours can be used to complement the changing light.
2006-07-25 18:46:47 UTC
First you must know what kind of character or theme you want for your house.

A house without any character will look very messy and uninviting. After making your decision on the character of your home, you must next look for the colour that you need for the theme. Example if you intend to make your house that look like a resort, then the blending of colour would be brownish and green. Furniture you can get it from BARANG-BARANG as their furniture are mostly resort style. Curtains should go in conjunction of your furniture and wall colour scheme.
2006-07-25 18:09:01 UTC
Everyone got his idea of what is warm and inviting. What most important is how you feel when it is done. Your visitors are not the ones who will be living in it anyway. So go for colours that pleases you and you can also play around with lighting and wall pictures. Just make sure the lights and pictures goes with your home theme.
2006-07-25 07:44:45 UTC
I think a home that is neat and tidy and decorated in warm colors is inviting. If your home is a special museum for some decorating style it just isn't inviting, you need to be comfortable there you self and then welcome others in.

Warm lightly scented candles, a mixture of antiques and newer furniture and a lived in feel are very inviting. Also remember that colors that have a warm base like yellows, pinks, browns, reds, corals and off whites always cast a warm glow.
2006-07-26 11:52:39 UTC
"A home is where the heart is"...

Start with a hospitable desire to want to invite and welcome, and everything flows naturally.

Some practical tried-and-tested tips:

Freshen up with citrus essential oils such as lemon or bergamot. They help to clear the air of foul odours and set a cheery and delightful atmosphere.

Colourful daisies in a simple vase never fail to bring about a sense of homeliness and bliss.

Tada... Instant makeovers which are affordable, realistic and ultra simple. =)
2006-07-26 03:30:27 UTC
Before your home can be warm and inviting to anyone, it first has to be warm and inviting to you.

Decorate with things that reflect your personally, along with lots of photos of family and loved ones. Opt for soft lighting and warm colours instead of gleaming hotel lobby chandeliers and ultra white walls.

In short, you should simply avoid the "showroom" look. YOUR home should reflect YOUR own taste and vision, and not be a blank canvas for some so-called certified interior designer to let his imagination run rampant with the "latest THIS" and "most popular THAT".

Just remember... YOU are going to have to live there!
tigg_z t
2006-07-25 19:54:14 UTC
Start from the outside of home, plants are a good way to start. It creates a sense of nature, a love for nature.

And on the inside, go for light colors interiors. Create a larger sense of space with mirrors. Light colored curtains, preferably linen with embriodery.

Comes the sofa, very important item, my preferance is deep seated and with only one arm so you can really choose to either nestle yourself n your other in it or just lie horizontal. it also creates more seating space. 1 or 2 bean bags and seat cushions for the extra guests. Friends can just plonk themselves right into the bean bags or seat cushions.

Dinner table should be big, get one of those expandable ones for extra guests. Nice warm light with fan above is just right for a nice dinner meal with friends.

Ceiling fans are quite practical if your ceilings are high enough. You may opt for air conditioned the house, it will definitely look good but not as cost efficient.

Now the 'accessories',

1. Big tv, cable and entertainment system will draw the your friends in for big games and movie nights that I sometimes have with my friends.

2. Fridge- stocked with goodies is another winner to make one's home warm and inviting.

3. Good old fashion games such as cards, carom board (how I missed that) or majong.

Most important of all, its one sincererity to share one's home with another. You can't beat the warmth and extension of one's friendship with all the materials things.

;p tiggz
2006-07-25 18:11:36 UTC
Hi Jeremy,

A home is a shell....empty at first, but not for long. U reno it to a style U like. U color or wallpaper to bring life to your 4 walls. U add lights to give warm & ambience. Curtains to give privacy. Plants or water feature for life and tranquility. Furniture for comfort. Food for enrichment. And finally, the people living in it whose personality are the one that makes the most important factor to your Home.

2006-07-26 06:20:22 UTC
do not make your home too quiet or too noisy.... just the right amount of noise it would need to make someone feel comfortable and safe.

maybe tidy up the house everyday.....bit by bit so you would not come home to a messy house.or else you will have problems such as when to tidy up.eventually you will get too stressed out and not like being home.

maybe list out house rules when living with your whole the house would not go out of control.

check for mosquitos around the house so that you will have a safe environment inside the house.

always tidy up the rooms such as the bedrooms and living room.make neccesary repairs on the furniture.
2006-07-26 00:06:55 UTC
Keep the home neat and tidy, and stash lots of food in the kitchen cabinet and fridge. Most importantly, show tons of hospitality and greet your guests with a big welcoming smile. It's the personality of the homeowners that makes the difference, not the furniture or home decor.
2006-07-25 23:26:52 UTC
A warm home does not have to be splash with warm colours or decorated with plush carpets rather it has to have pple in there who are warm and welcoming to whoever that person is- be it guests or occupants.

And with the warmth generously given, it would eventually be inviting.

Sounds good? Well of course! This is my little humble experience. Cheers!
2006-07-25 22:58:12 UTC
I think regardless what kind of furniture you have, what paint colors you used, what good AV systems you have, how comfort is your sofa, how smooth is your carpet or even how big is your house, the most important essence that makes a home warm and inviting is the friendliness, kindness and openess of the owner of the house. whatever materialism will come second as what matter most is the human touch and feel to make others feel comfotable being around and visiting their home always.
2006-07-25 21:43:34 UTC
Though the wall colour and flowers help but the best thing to do is to open up your heart and door to people like neighbours, friends and even strangers. This signify that you have a kind and generous heart and anywhere you go, you bring warm to the room, needless to say your home is the warmest place on Earth at least to the people you so warmly open up your home to.
2006-07-25 18:09:15 UTC
Hi Jeremy,

Remember that the first thing you should do to make the experience that your guests have at your home a joyful one, is to greet them with a smile and always invite them in. Make them feel special, by telling them that your home seems so much better with the company of your guests.

Second, you realise that no matter how close a friend maybe to you, he or she always tend to be more 'behaved' at your place. The main reason is that they are afraid that they might damage something at your house. So remember to leave the fragile stuff out of reach and make it easier for your friends to move around.

Thirdly, try to pick soft light colours in your living room to make it look bigger and less busy, however contrast this colour with more attractive colours like darker middle tones of red or blue in your bedrooms, to make them more cosy and give each room its own identity. Take note that colours are what brings life to life itself; the colour you pick will reflect yourself.

Lastly in my opinion, it’s the most important. You can place a row of photos on walls, but the row of photos should be depicting you and your family members growing up, from a baby to now a grown person. Try to share your life with the family and friends that come to your place. Trust me this will really melt the heart of your guests and always remember to say thanks for coming and PLEASE COME AGAIN!
2006-07-25 18:06:20 UTC
To fill your house with warmth, a choice of earthy tones for your walls, such as light tan, orange, yellows would be nice. Throw in a few yellow lamps and strategic downlights to taste. And add in a little family love and affection for the winner.

To make your house inviting, making the paths in your home clear and neat would be the first step. Add in a dash of modern style with choice pieces of furniture, photography or art. And finally, simmer with broad smiles and open doors to complete the recipe.
Great Egg
2006-07-27 07:22:02 UTC
1) Comfy sofas

2) Good home theatre system

3) Lots of food/snacks/drinks

4) Games to entertain your friends

5) Air-con

6) Warm, friendly hosts

2006-07-26 07:59:33 UTC
By asking the "Mistress of Spices" to cook some delicious Indian food so that the fragrance from the kitchen window will attract the neighbours home for a wonderful meal!
Sreekumar R
2006-07-26 06:58:26 UTC
What Jeremy meant by warm and inviting is the feeling of a person visiting your house. To create that feeling, first of all the house must be clean. Sofa, Dining table, and Coffee table must be clean and clear of unnecessary items, like news paper, toys, etc. Ensure no bad odour like cigarette smoke. Enough lighting, preferably, day light must be there. This house keeping standard must be there in rooms and kitchen also. Then, if we welcome the guest with a smile, he/she will feel warm and inviting.
2006-07-25 19:32:35 UTC
i think the most important is it must have a home and cosy feeling once you step in. and the colour to use can be some colour like wood, beige, green etc.

most important is must have a very big and comfortable sofa in the living room. and last but not least, lighting plays a very important role in designing a warm and inviting home. Do not use those white light, play around with the light colour, eg. hydrogen yellow light.
2006-07-25 17:55:00 UTC
You can make it warm and inviting by placing lining strategic areas with family photos, especially in the living room. A nice wide-screen plasma tv coupled with surround sound steroes and an X-Box 360 would really make any guest feel at home.
2006-07-26 06:00:09 UTC
I could open the main gates/doors, roll out a red carpet, and have a jagah stand outside in uniform and flash a big smile ... waitaminute thats the XXX Hotel, oops!

Perhaps remove all clutter, leave some comfortable beanbags around, serve up free coffee, and welcome guest with a big smile ... nowholdon, thats sounds like XXXBank, oops!

Yeah ... I guess just flash a sincere smile and open my home that should be a good start!
2006-07-25 20:02:39 UTC
The most important part of the home, of course, are the oweners! Want to make your home warm and inviting? Be a hospitable owner, always ready with a warm smile and accomodating spirit. non-jaring lightings and comfortable sofa would compliment nicely.
2006-07-25 18:28:27 UTC
With money, you can buy a house not a home.

With money, you can buy a greenhouse not warm.

With money, you can invite guests not friends.

Only a kind heart & soul will have~

a home full of laughter and joy

Warm that comes from smile

Friends that will stand till the end.

Smile my friend! and the whole world will smile back!

Have you smile(from within) to anyone today?

( Sometime we are just too busy and forget to smile to Ppl beside us)
2006-07-26 07:01:07 UTC
there are 2 factors in achieving this.

firstly it have to be physically comfortable being clean, well kept and dusted. smells clean and comfortable too.

besdies being physically comfortable, it should have to be mentally or emotionally comfortable too. it should be friendly with family members or spouses' loving moodl and welcoming one home. dinner and food ready to fill the hungry stomach. emotionall to smoothen the tired spirit and body.

emotion comfort can't last long in a family's home but at least after a well earned rest and full stomach then should the days or family's problem be brough to light for brain storming and solving. that includes the nagging too . . . before bed time. . .
Cest la vie
2006-07-26 06:57:34 UTC
My house is so cosy, furniture's are zen type, view, facing the sea, plus my family members are easy-going pp. Anybody that's comes over will fill with warmest. Why? Cos my living room is so warm, no wind at all.... But with perfect view of the scenery, everybody just loves to come back and sit dw, eat pop corn and watch movies ...
mel mel
2006-07-27 00:36:23 UTC
I feel a home will be warm and inviting to me when it's painted in my favourite colours, furnish with my favourite style (country, zen, retro etc) and decorated with my favourite pictures and items (decorative & electrical appliances).. and to be welcomed home everyday by my loved ones (unless the owner of the house is a lone ranger)! ;-)
2006-07-26 06:35:25 UTC
Comfy sofas with lots of cushions! Warm colours and lots of water stuff! Aquariums, indoor water fountains and nice luscious green plants. Nice about it, Club Med, Banyan Tree, if you've been there once, you'll want to go again if you could afford it. Why? It's because all the above makes your surroundings so warm, inviting, comfortable, soothing,'ll never want to leave!
2006-07-25 20:10:35 UTC
hei Jeremy, suprisingly to make your home more inviting is TO INVITE MORE PEOPLE TO YOUR HOME ... never invite ppl how to be inviting ? correct or not .. we should be more inviting to our relative,friends and collegues ... so ask ourself.. when was the last time u invite someone over to yr place... the person you invited would surely says yr place is inviting.... BUT being inviting only brings you to the door... once inside the other half of the question comes into play ... being warm is all ABOUT YOU the host.... no amount of good makan,nice decor, osim massage chair, good karaoke system, 56' plasma TV, would do .... IF the host is so cold.
2006-07-26 06:23:12 UTC
Install an auto sliding glass door which can greet whoever pass by with a happy voice. Must provide free food and drinks and most important, the host or hostess must sing and dance!
2006-07-26 12:54:09 UTC
Candles and small open flames are nice and warm. typically invitating until the smoke chokes guests and the fireman axe down the front door.

But- really all that matters is the first impression right?
2006-07-26 09:54:27 UTC
You need the kampong spirit. first be courteous and get to know your neighbours,chat with them often. Invite them over for drinks or meals on holiday, birthday or any special function. Provide a listening ears to your neighbours problem. Organise fun activities during weekend eg.board games, quizzes, pets grooming (if any). Watching soccer on cable and debating about clubs and players.There are many more things to make our home warm and inviting, but we need to take initiative and start first with our immediate neighbours.
2006-07-26 01:46:04 UTC
Having a smile thats comes from your heart already brings in the warmness to your home ...

Cooking up your specialities brings out the smell that invites your friends

Whatever comes from your heart and out of your kitchen is more then enough to fill your home with warm and inviting.
Pigs Fly
2006-07-25 23:42:18 UTC like a heaven place on earth. Alot of laughter and happiness from all the family members will keep the home warm and cosy and seeing their happy faces will make a home an inviting one.
2006-07-25 20:24:59 UTC
Home can be made warm and inviting with genuine hospitality and authentic warmth of host towards guests. However small our home be, it become alluring and welcoming with true deeds of its members towards anyone who is welcomed to the home. The home still looks like a house, however attractive and fascinating the dwelling be, its turned into home with the love and affection among members and towards its visitors.
2006-07-25 16:51:21 UTC
Try to use coulours like blue,orange and more to the bright colours so tat the house looks smaller and so it will be more cozy and warm and hav some fancy curtains and artefacts like mini fountains,statues but not so much of it so that the house looks appealing and inviting.It'll look more relaxed in that way.
carol l
2006-07-26 13:49:05 UTC
to make my home warm and inviting

i would have many happy colours and lots of happy things to c

and eat like pictures books no dark colours for me as bright colours always wins for me

the comments i get when someone walk in would be wat a happy home also lots of soft toys and cute and unique things my kitchen would be yellow with sunflowers

background music would be soft and happy

hope u like my picture of a happy home warm and inviting
Just me
2006-07-26 09:50:17 UTC
Set a timer switch to turn on the light (especially the yellow light) when you are about to reach home. It creates a warm feeling when you open the door to enter and the house is not dark when you enter.
2006-07-26 03:32:30 UTC
Firstly,i'll choose a color palette carefully. When selecting background colors for flooring, walls, window treatments and large pieces of furniture, i will think "long-term." Meaning,i'll select colors that will not go out of style in a few years, and that i won't get tired of quickly. Think of colors that stand the test of time. Neutrals and earth tones are safe and blend beautifully with a wide range of bright or muted colors. Tones like whites, beiges, golds, tans, browns, rusts have been in vogue for years and stand the test of time. It is expensive to replace large items (floors, sofas, wall and window treatments) so they should have colors that will last and durable through trends and time.

Secondly,i feel that layering will add warmth to a room. If a room appears cold, adding layers of fabric can turn up the "heat." For instance, add a rug, add cloths to the tops of tables, and add accessories that have texture. This way, the room will gain instant warmth. I can also use beautiful placements under lamps, or textured coasters on top of tables.

Thirdly,i'll use lighting wisely. Lighting should be arranged to form a triangle, so i'll thus, use this as a guide when placing lamps. Also, the lamp or sconce lighting provides more warmth and mood than overhead lighting ,although spot lighting can be attractive when showing off art. Lamp shades that are slightly tan or yellow cast a warm glow, to add mood and sophistication.

Forthly,i'll pull those sofas out from the wall! Sofas have attractive backs, and look great with a sofa table behind them. i'll then experiment my home by pulling my sofas out to create a decorator look. Then i'll put two sofas in a "V" formation with tables behind them. Or arrange them so that they are parallel to each other,then lay a rug under them to define a conversation area.

Fifthly,i'll arrange collections together. As i collect something, such as dolls or paperweights, i put them in the same location. They will attract attention and look more artistically interesting if they are together, rather than spread out throughout a home. For example, if i have bookshelves surrounding a fireplace, this would be a good place for a specialized collection of statues or attractive dolls.

Next, i'll have an element of surprise. Rooms gain life when a bold statement is made. If a room is contemporary, highlight it with a bold antique. Or put an animal statue under a grand piano to add that special element of surprise.

Thinking "angles." means that even one piece of furniture, such as a special chair or table, can add interest to a room if it is placed at an angle. Imagine a room where sofas and tables were arranged in a linear pattern and off to the corner a TV entertainment center is angled. What fun!

Then,i'll consider buffet lamps.i'll add warmth and sophistication to my dining room with tall, slender buffet lamps on each side. These lamps can be found at department or discount stores. The selections with yellow or mica shades add a sense of warmth and welcome to the dining room.

i'll also hang art at eye level. A common mistake is to hang pieces of art too high. Therefore, i will hang at eye level (or below in some cases) so that the pieces can be appreciated and can be a part of the room's decor. Also, as i have groupings of art, i will arrange them first on the floor, experimenting with different arrangements, before hanging on the wall.

Last but not least, monotone decors appear spacious. imagine walking into a home and feel that the rooms are spacious and seem to flow together, the design includes the usage a monotone palette with color accents. White walls, a white sofa, white or glass coffee tables can be delightfully accented with color pillows and accessories. Warm monotones would use the earth tones, such as browns and tans.

yes, that's all about it. my perfect home being warm and inviting. =)
2006-07-25 23:20:11 UTC
Home is where the heart is... A home becomes warm and inviting not because of the furniture and things it possesses but because of the warmth of the loving hand that caresses it, the touch of the soul behind it and the peace that comes with knowing 'You are home'...
2006-07-25 23:15:58 UTC
10 simple steps to make your home warm and inviting

1) Have a HUGE 'Welcome' sign at your door....especially if your neighbours are Chinese...make it a RED welcome sign.

2) And if you are inviting guys to your place, have a huge banner that reads 'Don't worry,my mother-in-law is not in!' sign

3) To top it off , another banner next to it that reads 'My wife's out shopping with her!'

4) Speaking of signs, have a 'Help yourselves!' sign on your fridge door.

5) Make sure your gate or door's not won't want people to know the door's been hardly pushed.

6) Tie up or tame your mad dogs.

7) Have a BBQ pit...the smell of bbq hotdogs and ribs...neighbours will invite themselves in instantly.

8) Make sure there's enough beer to go around...warms up everyone and everything.

9) Make sure there are at least 3 guitars lying around....nothing's complete without music/jamming sessions.

10) Your toilet flush better works! Nothing's more welcoming than a clean DRY toilet.
chilly jilly
2006-07-25 18:43:32 UTC
ok this is going to sound pretty bimbo : put a fireplace by the living room to make the house warm and put a sign that says welcome.. to make it look inviting.

OR put a hunk & a babe to make it look even inviting and the swim wear on them making my home warm. :D

OR maybe i can try to smile. a smile makes a person feels warm in the side and inviting :D you know smile an extra mile to make the heart warm and not only the house:D

OR i will just put my 8 puppies in the living room and soft and furry carpet to make it look cozy and warm and inviting too :D
2006-07-27 07:46:44 UTC
Be yourself and allowing your guests to be themselves :). If your guests can feel at home in your home, your home must be warm and inviting to everybody!
2006-07-27 18:21:44 UTC
It does not matter how your home is decorated. if your friends and relatives feel you truly are happy to see them and share your time with them, then you could live in a damp cave, and people would still hang out with you. Hospitality comes from the heart, not from furnishings.

So it would be by your attitude and actions.
2006-07-26 01:52:16 UTC
Simple! Get rid of my MOTHER-IN-LAW! She's so super naggy that it's making everyone miserable on most days. It's not about how big, small, private, public, fully furnished, sparsely furnished a home is. It's who that lives in it matters and one should remember that we were put on earth NOT to make life miserable for others.

I envision my home to be warm and inviting only if my mother-in-law would learn to shut up.
2006-07-26 00:39:39 UTC
By having a cohesive family with great humour and personality! The family members make the home warm and inviting.
2006-07-25 21:30:19 UTC
For a home to be warm and inviting, i believe that the most important thing is the host themselves.... a home can be sooooooooooo expensively nice but if the host is those kiss and bye, inviting you for the sake of inviting you, then how can it be invitingly warm!
2006-07-25 20:38:23 UTC
You can make your home warm and inviting from from outside to very inside of your home.


Make the entry to your home inviting. The front door should be bright, clean, and attractive. Add a wreath, welcome mat, brass accessories, and potted plant to achieve this look.

Mow the lawn, and trim the trees and shrubs away from the house so it can be seen. Rake leaves and remove any dead or unsightly plants or shrubs.

Check and replace or repair any broken roof shingles, gutters, shutters or siding. Clean out the gutters.

Fix cracks in the driveway or sidewalk. Remove oil stains from the driveway and resurface it.

Wash all windows inside and out.

Remove clutter from the yard. Put away tools, garbage cans, hoses, toys, and any other "hobby" items (e.g. that classic car jacked up on cinder blocks).

Powerwash the exterior of your home and patio or deck, and paint the exterior of your house if it looks at all like it needs it.

Make everything outside look fresh, neat, warm, and inviting.


Paint the interior of your house with neutral tones. If possible, paint the ceilings white or use ceiling paint to make the rooms seem larger. Professionally clean the interior of your home, removing all cobwebs, washing windows inside and out, and removing any "distinctive" smells such as cat litter, heavy spices or oils from cooking, etc. Air out the house.

The kitchen is the most important room in the house. Make sure it's clean, and redecorate if needed. Put away all minor appliances. Do everything possible to make the kitchen uncluttered. Wash and polish the floor.

Clean, clean, clean the bathrooms. Make them spotless.

Other than the kitchen the master bedroom is most important. Organize all closets. Pick up clothes. Simplify the furniture. Open curtains every morning while your home is on the market.

Steamclean all wall-to-wall carpeting. Replace any worn carpeting with neutral colors.

Polish wood floors and stairs or refinish if faded or spotted.

Repair or replace worn or outdated appliances (e.g. avocado green or coppertone appliances from the 70's).

Repair dripping faucets, sticking doors, and other nuisance items.

Add lamps or lighting to any areas of your home that are dark.

Make sure that all major systems such as the furnace, air conditioning, hot water heater, etc. are in good working order, and repair or replace them otherwise. Remove clutter from all rooms. The house must be straightened up (clothes off the floor, etc.); open curtains; set out fresh flowers; use potpourri, scented candles, or put a drop of vanilla extract on lightbulbs to give your home an inviting scent; play soft music in the background; remove your pets (particularly that cute boa or pit bull). And best of all, show your warm hospitality to the visitors and offer them whatever you think will make them feel at home..and remember to give you best smile as it counts more than anything else....
2006-07-25 18:43:12 UTC
1. Get your home ready anytime to be cleaned, neat and tidy, not

necessary to have over expensive decors.

2. Cook lunch/dinner for your guest, followed by

fruits/desserts/coffee etc.

3. Let the guest felt relaxing like his/her home.

4. Most important is your sincere heart.
2006-07-25 20:41:58 UTC
- Use lots of warm lights - yellow/orange bulbs, no white lights please.

- Darker colors (warm and deep tones) on the walls will give it a cosy feeling (will make your home look smaller though)

- Comfy cushiony sofas will make it look cosy and inviting for guests.

- Candles, interesting art pieces, plants, photos, books can help enhance your home; making it feel like a really warm and comfortable. It will also make it a talking point for your guests.

- Music, wine and choclates - what can i really enhances the mood
2006-07-26 07:24:32 UTC
By piping the entire house to the music of power 98 the station thats rocks!

PS.even the toilet!
Shobezzzz Dabezzzz
2006-07-26 06:02:04 UTC
A home can be made warm and inviting in 2 ways. From a technical POV:

- you got to have warm lighting(yellow, dim)

- soft colours(pastels, browns, mustard),

- Comfy furniture(forget rattan and hardwood, get plush cushions and huge fabric sofas)

- Cool wall paint

Secondly its gotta have lotsa Lurveeeeeeee!!! :) *wink* wink*
k k
2006-07-26 01:36:57 UTC
I need a HOME.

HONEY = Father, Mother, Husband, Wife, Brother, Sister, Relatives, Friends, Neighbours, Pets (Cat, Dog, Bird, Fish, Rabbit, Hamster...) Treat all of them as my honey......they are dear to me.....

OPEN = Be open with my family members. Share views and feelings.

MONEY = With money, i can buy whatever things i desired to brighten up my home.

ENTERTAINMENT = Karaoke set, TV, Home Theatre System, Computer, Playstation, Xbox.....(need not own all entertainment systems, every family have their own needs, just buy whichever they feel entertain them and their guests would be enough)

H...oney + O...pen + M...oney + E...ntertainment = HOME
2006-07-25 19:28:03 UTC
when there is love in a houshold, u know, love between family members, love between partners, a home will truly be a home. tat alone will certainly make it warm n inviting.

no amount of decor and fanciful stuffs can make a house a home if there is no love between the occupants. u can hv the most beautiful decor, but if there is no love, it is just a house, not a home..
2014-10-09 13:17:18 UTC
The cream provides a great canvas and easy-to-match background for the more vibrant colour hued decor.

- Comfort. Ensure enough seats for guests when having a gathering. Have a luxurious sofa, dining chairs and "mobile" seats like stools in colourful hues.
2006-07-25 21:08:22 UTC
Aside from the physical beautification you can facelift your house, I believe that a house will never be a home unless it is sheltered and filled with love and affection. With these factors I guarantee that a home will be full of warmth and will be very inviting.
2006-07-25 19:50:57 UTC
1. Add pillows and accessories with splashes of rich warm colors such as reds, oranges and gold.

2. Bring in some fall foliage or pine boughs in wreathes or table arrangements. They are especially effective over the fireplace.

3. Use cozy, soft and plush fabrics in cushions and upholstery that you want to snuggle up to - velvets, mohair and chenille.

4. Throw warm afghans, quilts or down throws over chairs and sofas to invite cuddling. The layering of fabrics adds richness and texture to the room.

5. Place candles with spicy scents around the home - vanilla or cinnamon evoke feelings of comfort. Place mirrors behind the candles to magnify the candle's warmth and reflection. Candlelight always softens and warms a room.

6. Place a colorful welcome rug at the front door. How about a bright red one?

7. Layer oriental or kilim rugs on the floor to add texture, dimension and elegance.

8. Add rich drapes to create a "cocoon" of warmth in the room but make sure you leave them open during the day.

9. Move your sofa and chairs closer to the fireplace to maximize the warmth and intimacy it gives the room.

10. To combat the extra gloom of winter, add extra lamps with warm incandescent light bulbs. Use lamps instead of overhead lighting for a more intimate ambiance.

11. Use more gold, brass and copper in accessories. You can even change the hardware on furniture and cabinets to add an extra spark!

12. Be sure to keep arrangements of fresh flowers to remind your family that spring is coming!

13. Make a cozy reading corner with a comfortable, over-stuffed chair, table and lamp. Curling up in a cozy corner with a good book is one of the best things about winter!

14. Warm up your furniture with slipcovers in soft colors and fabrics. When spring comes, you can cool the room down again by removing the warm covers.

15. Arrange treasured pictures of family in warm wood frames around your home.

16. If you want a larger project, paint your walls in rich shades of red, orange or yellow. What a wonderful way to brighten long, grey days!

17. If you have high, stark ceilings, try lowering the ceiling with darker, warmer hue to establish a more intimate space.

18. Arrange furniture in groups for easy conversation. A small table and a couple of chairs or footstools will encourage people to gather together.

19. Pamper your guests and yourself with big thick towels on a towel warmer. Just think of getting out of the tub on a cold night and wrapping yourself in the soft warmth of terry.

Adding warmth to your home can be accomplished easily and with only a few dollars. But the best way to make your home a welcoming haven?

20. Laughter. Smiles and laughter will warm up your room and your heart. What better way to chase away the chill!
andi th
2006-07-26 08:14:45 UTC
Just simple, always treat your home as haven, where you can relax, enjoy yourself and be together with your loved ones. Don't bring office matters back. It will make a peace full home, full with loves, laughter, warm in the inside and outside - and do share it with others - relatives, neighbours, it will bring more joy and happiness!
2006-07-26 07:24:10 UTC
y not try paste some human size posters on walls and have some nice cartoon marble tiles plus a beautiful family photo stick to the ceiling above your bed, have some wine and fresh fruit on the table some slow but not sleepy music and ....have a cool bath tube with flowers and some aroma scent....
2006-07-26 07:18:44 UTC
Home is where the heart is ... so I'd say if you love being at home, then it will naturally become a warm and inviting place. That and the scent of freshly baked cookies as you walk in the door ... mmm ....
2006-07-26 00:19:03 UTC
1st, untheme your home, meaning, dun make a home seem like a resort that look balinese or zen or ... To make your home warm, you must make it look like you can snuggle into every corner. Messy to outsider maybe, but not to the owner. Wall and floor colours must be bright, furnitures dull but not dark, meaning wood silver is in, grey, black is out. Dont carpet your home, it will just make you drowsy at home. instead, make sure you have lost of cushion, sandbags to lie on, anywhere at home.
2006-07-25 23:18:29 UTC
A home is where your heart is. So to have a warm & inviting home, open your heart & be genuine while hosting.

It is not the house that makes a home. It is the master/s that create the house into warm & inviting home.
2006-07-26 10:46:10 UTC
the interior of your house plays an important role. it can make or break a house.

- if you're someone who simply loves the mod/retro look, go


jazz up your home with classic pieces: from furnitures

to the fabrics used. to play up to the concept, dress vintage

whenever you have guests!

- if you prefer to have a resort feel to your home, go au-naturel.

use dark wood for furnitures and if you have the extra money to

spare, use wooden flooring: think parquet or lamination. colours

such as off-white, beige: simply pastel, works wonders. go for

light fabrics for curtains and perhaps slightly heavier ones for

cushions: think thick cotton. add pots of plants: think green to

give that 'cooling' effect. you can even add 'waterfalls'.

- if you love bright cheery colours, go ahead! paint your house

with bright colours. play with vibrant, quirky items for the


- have lots of dun at home. the warmth, joy and laughters can be

felt by an outsider once they step into your house. SMILE when

you greet your guest. make them feel like home.

hope this helps!
Kit 0:-)
2006-07-26 09:56:26 UTC
A warm and inviting home is where one feels loved and accepted the way he is... to be completely at ease without having to put up a front... to be vulnerable yet knowing that one is totally secure.
2006-07-26 08:27:08 UTC
1. use yellow lighting which would make the house look warm

2. drapes makes the house cosier

3. cushion on sofas makes it more inviting

4. pictures of family members in color and black &white or sepia.. for that old world charm makes a good conversation starter.

5. personalized pieces in the living area makes a good converstaion starters.
2006-07-26 07:09:51 UTC
Went to my friend's house before, from the corridor, there was this beautiful sweet fragrance.. hmm.. yum.. very inviting. When I stepped inside her house, in the middle of the dining table, the secret unfolds.. Lavender aromatic scent. AROMA THERAPY!!! Inside the house, i felt at ease, comfy, relaxed, warm.. Her house was decorated pretty simply and it was extremely neat and tidy. To top it all, she served us snacks, cutely garnished, decorated and the drinks... fruit punch!! Then came the best part..... chocolates!! loads of them!!! triple yummmm!!!!!!
2006-07-25 19:41:48 UTC
Wake up early, go for a warm up round of exercise to keep your day awake, keep your door open, turn on soft music, always stock up your fridge with snacks, chocolates and ice cream. Treat everyday like your child's birthday!!!
Sui M
2006-07-26 20:48:42 UTC
Its not so much on the decor of the home but the people living in it. Kindness, warmness, generosity and sincerity are more important elements.
2006-07-26 23:43:19 UTC
No matter poor or rich, key word to make a home warm and inviting is HARMONY.....chinese said: 家和万事兴 [Jia he wan shi xing]
2006-07-26 09:34:15 UTC
Paint the hse red/orange, the bright color will look inviting.

Close all the window and the door, no fans, no air-con, u will naturally be warm within seconds
2006-07-26 00:41:40 UTC
My home can be made warm and inviting by having a harmonious family and an everyday life filled with joy and laughter.
Sim F
2006-07-25 21:26:56 UTC
More live element like plant, water feature. Create a cosy corner to have chilled out session with love ones and friend.
2016-03-16 09:13:19 UTC
lol. You really fell for the lefts bullshit ha? Most racists I know are what I guess we could call "closet" racists and they belong to the Dems. But unfortunately Just like the stupid ones you got in your party that vote solely on race or color, the right does too. SO this is the solution, kick the racist, sexist assholes out of both parties and get back to the business of running this country.
2006-07-26 06:58:06 UTC
an open concept home will always look inviting. partitions close of areas, thereby making guests feel intrusive towards the hosts' place. use warm light, potted plants, carpeting, big throw pillows and autumn colored themes for the warm, rich and cosy feel. extra seating area also gives the feeling that the house is always ready to welcome visitors. :))
2006-07-26 01:28:15 UTC
Home is where the heart is.

And I believe simplicity is what makes a warm, inviting and contented heart.

To me, simplicity means my husband, 2kids(in future) and parents/parents-in-law living together everyday under one roof.

Most probably everyone has a different definition. What's yours?
2006-07-25 20:46:00 UTC
create a theme for your home and decorate towards the theme. Tell your friends about your home and make them feel woow, wooo (i'm sure at this stage they cant wait to visit your house) at the same time be humble.. (keep them in suspense)

once your home is fully decorated, organise a house warming and invite them!
2006-07-25 20:03:34 UTC
Bake a warm melt-in-your mouth chocolate cake and brew a pot of rich aroma coffee.Let the fragrant travel and your neighbours will invite themselves from afar. That's how warm and inviting your home will become!
2006-07-26 06:58:03 UTC
You have to cook attractive food such like spaghetti, lasagna or some pizza on your own dish for your warm welcome first. Burn up some aroma therapy candles to sooze the mind. Of'coz it has to be neatly decorated on ur table with wine or fruit juice. Not forgetting some jazzy music with ur dim spot light . That's all short and simple.......... Try it.
2006-07-26 05:39:41 UTC
Try to paint your living room with light coloured paint like sky blue or apple green. Then try to get some ornaments to make your home look"lively". Or try to think of a theme and work on it. Think that's all about it. Hope it'll strike some idea to you.

-=IzoukI=- -
2006-07-26 04:36:54 UTC
A Home cover with smooth silk & candles with the flow of the water from the man-made fountain... Romantic...
z b
2006-07-26 00:46:23 UTC
warm? to what degrees? 100 degrees? inviting? to who? thieves? to mosquitoes?

but an average human being definition: warm & inviting to enjoy, rest & relax.

so i suppose you want an average human being response to that definition.

1) to have warm colours at home - orange, yellow, fushsia pink, sky blue etc.

2) to have warm people at home - a great wife/husband and great kids who run along to hug you before u go off work and when you come back from work

3) to have plently of sitting area - have a lot of bean bags or comfy sofa around

4) to have great food - people love to snack

5) most direct - to hang a welcome sign at yr door!

I will make sure i pop by!

haha :)
2006-07-25 21:39:23 UTC
Have a smaller place? :)

But seriously, throw out all the old stuff that you don't use so your place is roomy instead of cluttered. Buy lots of cushions and replace florescent lighting with yellow lights (either halogen or energy saving types).
2006-07-25 21:18:14 UTC
Hi Jeremy!

I will have my walls painted with warm & not so bright colours, not too many furnitures with nice framed pictures on the walls.
2006-07-25 07:40:04 UTC
Paint it in warm colours.

Warm greys and Oranges go together well.

If you dont want Orange you could try a little cool grey which will not overpower the warm colour.
2006-07-27 18:35:49 UTC
by inviting more people to come and visit and to make your home more lively.
2006-07-26 12:17:38 UTC
Huge screen Tv for the weekend games (EPL). And a Mahjong table for the spouses. And a refrigerator pack with drinks and beer. And yes xbox set in another room for the kids.
2006-07-25 21:46:22 UTC
i will probably do the following to make a home warm and invited.

1. packaging my house- example :cleaning, tidy, repainting.

2.i also must ensure there is karaoke set to entertain visitors who love to sing

3.Set up another 2 TV for children who love to play x box and adults who love to watch VCD or DVD movies

4.lastly, i must ensure my family members to be warm, jovial, helpful and entertaining to the needs of the visitors. To make them feel as they are at home
2006-07-25 20:03:13 UTC
Hahaha... no matter what sort of decor you have, nothing beats having a group of warm, smiley, happy people inside your home!

No matter what your designs, decor, size of your home, THAT would be most certainly make your home immediately look warm and inviting!
Cherian A
2006-07-25 20:19:58 UTC
Have lots of munchies and even more wine in the cooler. I bet that will make a warm inviting home.
2006-07-25 18:43:36 UTC
Get the fab 5 from the tv show "Queer eye for a straight guy" and let them walk you through the decorating process.

These guys are good, so i trust them.

You should too.

(if only channel 5 airs this show.)
2006-07-26 02:08:42 UTC
The answer to creating a warm and inviting home lies in pleasing the senses.

Our bodies’ senses are hands-down our best guides when it comes to feeling warm and inviting home.


1. Most of us are sensitive to chemicals (certain artificial fragrances fall into that category) and the toxic effects of many home furnishings, building materials, and cleaning products. One secret to a warm and inviting home lies in sticking to as many all-natural products as you can. Which house would you rather walk into, one filled with gases from fiberboard cabinets and new synthetic carpeting, plug-in chemical air “fresheners” and chlorine-based cleaning products, or a home scented subtly with beeswax and lemon furniture polish, and the earthy smell of all-natural sisal rugs?

2. Rather than relying on chemical air freshener products, we can use potpourris and simmering spiced cider to give our homes a welcoming homey scent. Try Spicy Harvest Simmering Cider Air Freshener or Three Potpourris.


1. Nothing says “home” like the sight of soft warm light from beeswax candles, firelight, or lamps. If you don’t have a working fireplace, the glow of beeswax candles will do beautifully to create that fiery soft light our ancestors associated with the safety of home. And most overhead lighting tends to be harsh, so lamps set invitingly on tables are often a better choice for room lighting.

2. Colors that are pleasing to you are a vital element in the warm home. Warm colors in the cooler months and cool colors in the warmer months tend to make our bodies feel more balanced, but your favorite colors--whatever they are--will always be pleasing to you.

3. Items of interest, like paintings, art objects, artifacts, and things from nature--can make a home feel warm and special. Beauty is a very subjective thing, but our eyes enjoy resting on things we consider beautiful; it makes us feel at peace.


1. No matter how good a house smells or looks, if the surfaces you sit or lie down on are hard and unpleasing, it just won’t feel warm. Soft, natural fabrics, seating with plenty of cushiony “give” and comfort, mattresses with just the right blend of firmness and softness--these are essential to a warm home.

2. Textures that are interesting and intriguing invite us to explore, and we feel at home in the delights of discovery. Try bringing in different natural textures--stone, marble, wood, leaves, shells--that invite touch.

3. Surfaces that feel dusty, dirty, greasy, or sticky won’t lend themselves to warmness. The degree of cleanliness needed for warmness is a personal matter, but most of us agree: too much dirt and grime doesn’t feel very good to anybody.


1. Try just sitting still with your eyes closed and notice what sounds you hear. Is there a lot of noise pollution in your home? Such as a refrigerator that rattles loudly, a television or radio blaring, the noise of construction or traffic or lawnmowers or leaf blowers outside? A white noise maker can help to filter outside noise if you live on a busy street; a wind chime placed where you will hear it indoors, or a tabletop fountain might help to give a serene note to the sounds in your home. Do what you can to reduce the noise pollution in your home: switch to alarm clocks that are not as jarring and keep volumes turned down whenever possible.


Sometimes the way to warmness is through the taste buds! The delicious meals you have cooked and eaten in your home are all an important part of the picture. If you get in a food rut, try a new recipe (especially if it will smell wonderful as it cooks) to increase the warmness factor in your home. If you’re not already a subscriber, sign up for our free food newsletters, Eat Well Naturally and Green Cuisine.

Sixth Sense

1. Then there is that intangible “something” that can really add or detract from a home’s warm-rating. Call it vibe or energy or atmosphere--if the people in your home are tense and unhappy, chances are the house won’t feel all that warm. It is truly a circular thing: the more of an effort you make to keep a warm home that pleases all the senses, the happier its inhabitants will be--and the warmer your home will become.

2. If the energy in your home feels weird, feng shui can offer ways to fix it.
2006-07-26 00:17:26 UTC
In my own opinion i think colour is important. Try not to have it in dull colour i guess. Eg black, dark brown or even grey. It is best not to have too much furniture and keep it neat and tidy. Too much furniture will make the place look messy and uncomfortable.
2006-07-25 07:46:50 UTC
To make a room warm and inviting, first you must have furnitures/walls/flooring that is warm but very light and pleasing to the eyes.. Warm colors are red,yellow,orange, red orange, yellow orange...
Kenny Tan
2006-07-27 02:53:37 UTC
Doesn't have to be very nice decorations...

House owner himself makes a difference...if the owner is stuck up, no matter how nice its decoration is, you yourself won't feel warm...
2006-07-26 03:27:44 UTC
A chimney will be warm and inviting, especially to burglars and people like Santa Claus.
2006-07-26 03:06:55 UTC
By making an effort to keep it clean and tidy most of the time (thats inviting) and get it well decorated to yr taste and style (thats warmth for you)
2006-07-26 01:16:26 UTC
First of all, get rid of your 'fortress lookalike' fence 'n change it with picket fences or no fences at all...

Green your front and back yard up...

Use only bright soft paint to your house...

If you live in tropical country like me, give your home as much as possible, windows!

Let your room having plenty of space...

and most importantly, keep your smile on your face... :)
2006-07-25 21:56:36 UTC
1. Spring Clean

2. Have a good wine collection

3. Throw great parties

4. Leave good memories
2006-07-25 21:35:24 UTC
apart from keeping the home clean and warm i think it all depends on the host to make the guest feel warm n invited..
2006-07-25 19:36:51 UTC
Well, one must love others as if you love yourself and just serve them well whenever they come over to your house. Try to keep your house tidy and for sure they can feel at home and as such you have make your home warm and inviting.
2006-07-25 16:46:22 UTC
tidy up the house and cook lunch or dinner for your guest to dine together. Most important is to have a sincere heart in welcoming your guest, treat them as VIPs and make them feel free and at ease to move around your house. Hospitality and cheerful environment will make them feel great and appreciated as a guest
Chan A
2006-07-26 07:28:22 UTC
you can shut most of the windows, switch on all the yellow lights to make the house real warm. have all your family members line up in front of your house with one serving out welcome drinks and the rest put on their best "Singapore Girls" smiles and a big welcome mat. Remeber to play background Hawaiian music. if all else fail, hand out notes to the neighbourhood to tell them you are giving out free souverniors on that day at your place.
2006-07-26 03:25:25 UTC
what to make my home warm and inviting?

of course at first, must kept the house clean and tidy.

Always kept smiling and show friendliness to people, with welcome them to visit my house, especially to the neighbours, and friends, and let them feel comfortable as like home.

if economic affordable, do a open house to invite relatives, neighbourse, friends, to enjoy together during the festival.

as i believe, people always warm the house...!
Manickampillai V
2006-07-26 01:30:38 UTC
With My Great And Pleasant Smile.
2006-07-25 21:28:53 UTC
It's the people who live in the house that makes it warm and inviting, not the decorations or renovations...
2006-07-25 18:43:47 UTC
Your home should reflect who you are and should be comfortable. Stand in front of your door look into your home. how does it feel. This is when you will know how to put things together. I feel a home should reflect what is important to you e.g. photos, momentos and most of all comfort. Good luck.
2006-07-25 17:44:35 UTC
Be genuinely warm and friendly towards your guests. Don't pretend to show warmth as this shows in your actions, tone and behaviour. Welcome your guests with what you have as this will show who you really are. Be simple, honest and true to yourself. This will make any home a warm and inviting place.
2006-07-25 17:18:07 UTC
Get your home ready for any guest at anytime. Keep it nice and need. Make them appreciative of how you keep your home in a state where the guest feels at home
2006-07-26 02:15:22 UTC
make everyone feels like home, make it spacious inside every individuals mind , meaning everyone needs particular space; everyone is subset to each other but not occupy more! subset shares area with the similar interests. more guests will share different view with respect, within similar subset and the sharing will be enriched...just be yourself and share the areas u like, relax and feel easy! that's home!
2006-07-26 14:10:28 UTC
:) no house can go wrong with a good colour scheme, comfortable seats and a warm beckoning family.
2006-07-25 21:53:38 UTC
Hmm.. nice cosy area with nice EARTH colour on furniture, friendly homemaker of cos that include GOOD foods/drinks and GOOD entertainment.
Ting Fong G
2006-07-25 19:34:11 UTC
Simply by cooking a fantastic meal and inviting your friends along.No one will have the heart to turn you down.
carol c
2006-07-26 22:33:51 UTC
By changing the house lighting to soft lighting, putting up fresh flowers and plants around the house. having cushions for guests to cuddle.
2006-07-26 09:12:57 UTC
keep the house simple and neat.

use light colour for the house.

mainly keep a simple decoration corner at the door entrance
Joyce C
2006-07-26 07:55:50 UTC
Carpeted living room with sofa seat and Hi-fi system.

Airconditioned and light bluish ceiling lights and turtoise colored wall
2006-07-25 23:02:43 UTC
Have frequent family gathering and invite your loved ones for steamboat @ home and thereafter watching home movies, that a starts...
2006-07-25 19:41:09 UTC
spruce up,

clean up,

clear the clutter.

top up with home cooked food and booze,

decorate with soft lighting and furnishing,

bring in loved ones to fill it with love.

Now thats a complete warm and inviting home.
2006-07-25 18:04:26 UTC
Just try to fill your house up with love and joy. Always be happy and comfortable when you're home. When you're decorating it be happy. Be friendly with your neighbours.
huihui l
2006-07-25 19:11:17 UTC
choose furnitures of warm color and painting in warm color ;choose large windows to let the sunshine in ;have some plants ;avoid cool colors like blue, dark green,something like that ;
2006-07-26 10:48:24 UTC
No complicatiing stuffs, just simple & real.. Most important of all the sincerity you gave to your guests.
2006-07-26 03:40:39 UTC
Send as many invitation cards as you can lor..... so simple..... aiyooo...... then when ur guest come dun switch on the aircon or fan and close the window..... sure warm....
2014-06-13 14:02:30 UTC
You can add a small bench or stools for the guest to remove or put on their shoes. It should not be obstructing the way.
2006-07-26 10:06:27 UTC
To make your house warm, is to be with the one you love.

To make it inviting, is for both of you to be happy.
2006-07-26 02:49:23 UTC
By greeting ur friends and families with a warm smile and making them feeling at home.Always be ready to serve them and also going an extra mile to please them.
2006-07-25 20:25:35 UTC
have a crowd @ ur home watching live soccer match telecasts on a 60" plasma tv!
2006-07-26 04:37:27 UTC
Air con, nice soft sofa, a big plasma tv and food.
j t
2006-07-26 15:37:55 UTC
pastel walls, carpets, pictures, plants, flowers, day and night curtains, a clean house and of course smiley faces in the house too.
jason k
2006-07-25 23:05:15 UTC
Add more colour to your family,be more bonded together,invite the coolest people around.etc...
2006-07-26 07:59:54 UTC
Keep the front door open and have the lights on.
2006-07-25 10:09:20 UTC
Wooden furniture (but it doesnt have to look antique-y) and warm lights (instead of florescent)
ang cheng lee
2006-07-25 20:45:32 UTC
Well decorated with the brown bamboo woods with yellow lighting and paint the well with yellow color with the air-con.Hang a WELCOME sign at the front door too.
2006-07-25 20:33:19 UTC
Keep your home clean, tidy, of -course, put some nice decoration.
2006-07-25 18:38:23 UTC
Simple!! - Loads of Food, Wine and Laugher!! *Woot*
darren y
2006-07-26 02:23:46 UTC
By Filling it with Love... Love your Family, Love your friends, Love God, Love your Cat & Dog, Love your Music, Love yourself..

2006-07-26 01:48:26 UTC
everything in white and turn on the air cond to the coolest leve
2006-07-25 19:09:25 UTC
KISS it! Keep It Simply Simple.
Jen Monar
2006-07-25 19:01:29 UTC
Have a professional decorator to decorate your home...The theme will be warm and inviting....He or She will know what to do...
2006-07-25 23:34:01 UTC
to make your home warm you must clean your house and invite people with cards.
2006-07-26 06:52:40 UTC
The home must be clean and neat. Most important is everyone in the house give the guests a warm welcome. : )
2006-07-26 08:35:36 UTC
copy how 5 star hotel r doing; esp on their decoration, furnitures, colors, setting, linens.
2006-07-26 02:32:09 UTC
in my opinion ~ a warm and inviting home will be one just like mine.... a home filled with loads of love and an open door to welcome our friends and family ..... there will be tonnes of cushions and loads of comfy chairs to allow for friends and family to interact ....
2006-07-25 20:35:29 UTC
Maintaining peace and harmony at home.
2006-07-25 08:06:57 UTC
Well, you are off to a good start just wanting to.
2006-07-26 01:58:30 UTC
to make the home warm is to welcome visitor, therefore it must be cooling and bright in colour. I will open all my windows and doors to let the freshest air blow in
2006-07-26 01:01:36 UTC
By having a garage sale..Nicely done!
2006-07-26 07:42:14 UTC
Lots and Lots of food, Lots and Lots of drinks. Lots and Lots of people
2006-07-26 01:36:13 UTC
Follow the colors of your concept and you will never go wrong ...
2006-07-26 07:47:24 UTC
Fill it up with lots of smiles.
2006-07-26 04:42:07 UTC
By opening your doors.
2006-07-25 22:22:33 UTC
bright cheery colours in your home and a good food!
2006-07-25 07:54:42 UTC
soft colors, warm furnishings
2006-07-26 07:07:43 UTC
Good makan and even better conversation.
2006-07-25 07:38:38 UTC
I don't want to make my home WARM!!!! I want to make it AS COOL as possible !!! It's too hoooottt!!!
(>.<) TeNg (>.<)
2006-07-25 23:52:10 UTC
juz make your hse.. YOUR REAL DREAM HOME... But of course, need 2 c ur budget...
ling a long
2006-07-25 22:49:49 UTC
Keep smiling.
2006-07-25 18:19:14 UTC
frequent houseWARMing sessions and lots of FUN and FREE FLOW booze!!
2006-07-26 08:15:22 UTC
Utilise your ears, and feet.
2006-07-25 07:37:05 UTC
A smile, and carpet deodorizer! :-p
2006-07-25 18:45:35 UTC
u should make clean ur home then use airconditioned

u can make it
2006-07-25 20:00:54 UTC
-by having you chilling out at my abode!
2006-07-25 19:12:23 UTC
make it fill with lots n lots of love..
2006-07-26 06:50:45 UTC
hmm...lets see...make it look cosy...greet ppl with a big smile!
2006-07-26 08:17:03 UTC
get a cute doggie...
2006-07-25 17:36:00 UTC
Get a wife! : )
2006-07-26 01:52:48 UTC
ignite a campfire during winter, and welcome everyone with hot chocolate and kebabs.
♥ Nathy♥
2006-07-26 10:19:48 UTC
Eu falo português!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.